New Year Greetings from Global Brands Magazine

The new year is a day of hope, a time where people can start fresh and do something new. In the past, New Year’s Day celebrations have been held on varying days of the month, but it is now celebrated on January 1st. On this day, people will spend time with family and friends, drink champagne to toast in the new year, and often dress up in their finest clothing.
For brands, New Year’s Day represents a great opportunity to engage their target audience and generate awareness of a brand. The best way for brands to get involved is by creating New Year’s Day content that people will want to share on social media. This can be achieved through the creation of 360-degree videos, images, GIFs, memes, infographics, and more.

New Year Celebrations In London
The most popular content for a New Year’s Day campaign is typically be related to goals, intentions, and resolutions. It is also important for brands to get involved early on. This way they can become more visible through the creation of shareable content that people will want to consume on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more.
Here are some examples of New Year’s Day content that brands can create for this year:
1. Instagram Stories: Create a New Year’s Day video in the form of a story on Instagram to engage your audience and be visible to more people. You can also add text or graphics to the photo/video to help it stand out from all other stories in users’ feeds. It is best if you use a New Year’s Day hashtag so people can easily find your content.
2. Pinterest: If you have an existing Pinterest account, create a board dedicated to New Year’s Day content and pin beautiful images of champagne bottles or glasses with the year 2022 on them. You can also include quotes about goals for the year, food recipes to help with New Year’s resolutions, and more.
3. Facebook: Create a video or image that people can share on their Facebook page in order to wish friends, family members, and followers ‘happy new year’ along with your logo/brand name. This will keep your brand in front of potential customers.

Celebrating New Year’s Eve in Paris
4. Twitter: Create a short video or image that people can tweet about to their followers. This will spread awareness of your brand and keep you in the minds of current customers as well as potential ones. Make sure to use relevant hashtags so it is easily found by other users on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.
5. Snapchat: Create a New Year’s Day story on Snapchat with an image or video of champagne, people wearing party hats, and more. You can also create your own custom filter for this day to make it fun for your followers/friends to use in their snaps when posting on New Year’s Day.

New Year Celebrations in Australia
6. YouTube: Create a short video or meme that represents New Year’s Day and the new year. You can include your logo/brand name with some hashtags in order to promote it on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
7. Google Search: Create an infographic with the most popular questions about New Year’s Day. You can include fun facts, statistics, and more to help people understand what this day is all about.
8. Google Trends: Use the “trending now” section on Google Trends to find out what the top searches are for New Year’s Day in your region. You can create a blog post on your website with this information and include your logo/brand name, an image related to New Year’s Day, and relevant hashtags in order to get more eyes on it.
9. Polls: Create a poll with the most popular resolutions for 2018 or questions about what people will do on New Year’s Day. This is a great way to engage your audience and generate some fun content for social media to share with their friends and family members.

New Year Celebrations in the Burj Khalifa,UAE
10. Instagram: Use the “explore” section of Instagram to find popular accounts that are posting about New Year’s Day, such as @Champagne, and follow them on Instagram. This will give you access to some of their followers who may be interested in your content as well.
New Year’s Day Fun Facts
1. New Year’s Day is celebrated on January 1st and it has been for hundreds of years. Before Christianity, the festival was called Yule and it lasted for 12 days.
2. In ancient Rome, people would wear masks to scare away evil spirits as they celebrated Saturnalia. It was also a time where slaves were allowed to become masters for the day.
3. The modern New Year’s Day came about in 1582 when Pope Gregory XIII decided it should be celebrated on January 1st every year at 11 am. This is so there would be a uniform calendar throughout Europe and everyone would celebrate together. The Gregorian Calendar was named after Gregory.
4. The most popular New Year’s resolutions are to lose weight, drink less alcohol, and save money for the New Year. The least popular include calling friends more often and doing things with family members. According to Statista, only 21% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them.
5. New Year’s Eve is the second most popular holiday in America after Christmas, with over 100 million people celebrating it every year. It has been reported that Americans spend more than $6 billion on New Year’s Eve celebrations annually.

New Year Celebrations in the USA
6. In the US, New Year’s Eve is typically celebrated from 5 pm to 2 am with a countdown at midnight. This is when people will usually set off fireworks and have parties with family members and friends. It has been reported that more than $1 billion worth of fireworks are sold in the month before New Year’s Eve.
New Year’s Day is a great way to engage with your target audience and grow awareness of your brand. The key is to create content that people will want to share on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. You can create graphics or images related to New Year’s resolutions (such as weight loss, spending more time with friends and family), cute cartoons related to the coming year, or even a photo of yourself dressed in your finest clothing.