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How YouTube Has Made Itself More Attractive For Big Brands

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In the past, YouTube was a place for hobbyists and startups to develop innovative new products or ideas. That’s why it was attractive to so many people in Silicon Valley – including Google Ventures (Google Capital), which invested in several digital media companies like Upworthy, Thrillist and ViralNova. This has changed over the years as big brands have started using YouTube to make their own videos for things that are viral: Tide detergent filmed itself making laundry detergent from scratch on Vine; Budweiser brewed its own beer and filmed its own ad; Target released a video of what their store looked like before they bought it.

As more brands try this tactic, more small businesses will get better at producing these types of videos by watching what works from other brands ahead of time. You can also use your existing content library created through your site’s blog or social channels in order to attract some initial interest with one video. If you don’t already have an audience built up then you should think about creating some brand-engaging content yourself if you want this type of attention without spending money on production costs or marketing campaigns around it. It may take longer than running ads but if done right, you could reap large rewards from little investment into the campaign itself once it gets going again after being dormant for months/years/decades due to no traffic coming through those channels anymore since the page is not optimized well enough anymore by default now because there hasn’t been any activity on them recently enough thanks to AdWords update #46.

Amazon has used this tactic in the past, as well. In their case, they would invite you to watch a short video or listen to an audio book and then ask if you wanted to buy something related in some way from them. For example: “Do you want to purchase more Kindle books?” Or: “Would you like us to send your family weekly recipe e-mails?” Amazon is also doing it with products on its own website now – for example when someone clicks on a product link next to the search bar at the top of every page of Amazon they are taken directly into that product section where various options exist for additional purchases including gift ideas or add-ons etc. This type of customization is so effective because people love buying things online and it makes great content once again through all those videos/links too.

The potential downside here is that if these campaigns go sour, brands could ruin their reputation by getting caught up in controversy over misinformation about product quality or safety, etc.

However, YouTube has lost its share of the advertising pie since last year because their pricing structures have remained unchanged despite AdWords update #46. They are too expensive compared to other options, for some advertisers. For example, Facebook is one-tenth of a cent per click (CPCC) whereas YouTube charges $0.40 and up today – this means that if you spend $1 on Google Ads or Programmatic TV then you can only make 1/10th as much money back in return for 10 times the time spent vs. spending just as much more money on Facebook ads which would yield 20 times the return over less work and effort.

As brands start buying more ads on YouTube they are also going to get a lot of competition from all the other advertisers out there vying for their market share. This is why your organic traffic may have already started declining since you’ve been spending money on AdWords and not enough on Facebook – which we know has dropped by 40% over the last year (and that’s just in North America only, not worldwide).

As this happens, many small businesses will decide that it isn’t worth investing hundreds or thousands of dollars into creating new videos now when they can make even better use of existing content instead. For example, if you just made a video highlighting how great your product is at removing stains and using it as an ad in one popular brand-related video then people would love seeing it again whether or not they knew about your own business beforehand. If it had been created to sell something else originally then people might think twice before clicking through because they have no idea what exactly this product does anymore anyway yet – but if someone loves stain removal so much that he/she buys the actual item based solely off this video alone with no knowledge of who sells them then you most likely won’t see any additional sales coming back to your site via referrals after watching that one very popular branded content piece again later down the line.

In order to get this type of organic traffic back, you can start promoting your products on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and then just re-post that brand related video once it goes viral again. This works because people will remember the videos they found through social media posts after seeing them a few times so if you have enough good content being shared in these channels already that has nothing to do with your own business but is popular like everything else out there for brands (including those sponsored by those same advertisers) then people are going to see it over and over again no matter where they find it.

If you really want to make money from YouTube as an individual small business though rather than simply selling things via their platform as a brand, then learning how to drive targeted traffic directly to your site’s page by using AdWords updates #46 and #47 combined is the best way for most businesses right now. However, my hunch here is that many businesses won’t be able to handle all this new competition until Google finds some sort of way around it – either by cutting prices or finding better ways of generating more revenue overall without putting pressure on their platform at all which could result in less users coming back since the amount of available ads isn’t enough anymore thanks to Adwords update #46 dragging down performance on YouTube overall due partially based on what we know about that other big tech company purchasing display ad inventory too (which would also reduce popularity/viewing time).

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