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Securing a Job During the Pandemic

Securing a Job During the Pandemic

The coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic has seen unemployment skyrocket throughout 2020. At the peak of the pandemic, many companies collapsed and had to let staff go for practical and financial reasons. But this means that the positions that are being advertised by companies who are recruiting are being overloaded with applications. There’s more competition for jobs than ever before and you’re really going to have to pull the cat out of the bag to make sure you land the position you really want – or any position at all for that matter. So, what can you do to give yourself the best chances of landing a job as possible? Here are a few suggestions that could help you to experience success in your job hunt!

Be Flexible

If you were applying for a job this time last year, it’s likely that you could have afforded to be a little picky. You may have only applied for jobs with a specific title. You might have only applied for positions that met a specific salary bracket. But right now, when jobs are relatively scarce and competition is extremely high, you may need to be a little more flexible to secure a position for the time being. As the old saying goes, beggars can’t be choosers, and if you need a job right now, you may need to apply for positions that you wouldn’t usually consider.

Make Sure You’re Qualified

First and foremost, you need to make sure you’re sufficiently qualified for any position you’re applying for. Competition is going to be fierce right now and any applications that don’t exhibit the requested qualifications are likely to be quickly cast aside. This may mean a return to education, but this will be beneficial to you in the long run. Consider online courses with institutions like Suffolk. These will give you the skills and certificate you need to land the job you want.

Crafting a Stand Out CV or Resume

For many of us, this will be the first time in years that we’ve had to write a CV or resume. But it’s important to spend a fair amount of time on this. After all, competition is likely to be tough right now and your resume is really going to have to stand out from the crowd if you want it to be noticed amongst the hoards of applications. This is essentially the document that will help you to get your foot in the door for any position. Put simply it is a document that will highlight your qualifications, training, experience and general suitability for the job being advertised. All resumes should follow a set format that allows the recruiter to sift through your suitability easily. This format generally follows the pattern below.

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your email address
  • Your contact number
  • Your qualifications
  • Your previous experience
  • Any relevant training or completed courses
  • Extra skills such as any secondary languages or driving licence

Use a neutral font, like Arial, in a standard size, such as 11. Make sure that the bulk of the text is in black, as this is the most readable colour on a white background. Make sure to spell and grammar check your resume before sending it off. This will prevent mistakes being made and making a bad first impression – particularly if you are in a role that requires good written skills.

Of course, it’s best to adapt your resume for each position you’re applying for. Read through the job description and make sure to shine the spotlight on required skills you match on your resume.


If your CV or resume does the job and catches the attention of whoever is recruiting for the position you’re applying for, you’re likely to be invited to an interview. Now, in usual times, you’d attend an interview in person, where your potential employer or manager can get to know you. However, nowadays, the vast majority of companies are implementing remote recruitment processes in order to maintain social distancing and reduce the spread of the virus between candidates and employees holding the interviews. This, of course, is different, so you may need to prepare a little more thoroughly to make sure that your interview goes as well as possible. The first step that you should take is making sure that you have a comfortable space to interview from. If you live with others, you should let them know when you will be having an interview so that they can stay in different rooms and not interrupt. You should make sure that the space is well lit, so the interviewer can see you properly, and quiet. You should also check what video conference or video chat software will be being used, so you can download it and get to know its features in advance. You will also need to make sure that you are still presentable and dressed in interview-appropriate attire for the interview itself, even if you are only in your own home. In regards to the interview itself, it’s a good idea to take the usual steps in preparation. This can include:

  • Researching the company in advance
  • Determining what you can bring to the company
  • Determining why you want to work for this company
  • How you’d like to progress with the company
  • Noting any questions you may have

Also prepare answers to commonly asked questions like:

When it comes to the interview, make sure to join the meeting link early. This will ensure that nobody is waiting around for you.

Keeping the above information in mind could help to maximise your chances of securing a position in this competitive job market. Keep it in mind and be persistent. You’ll eventually land a position!

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