Print T-Shirt with RareCustom: Make Your Own Custom T-Shirt Designs

Custom T-shirts have been a staple of every wardrobe for quite some time now. With all the different shirt styles and colors, it’s no wonder so many people are readily embracing custom tees as their go-to style. It doesn’t matter if you want to wear something unique or just extend your clothing collection with a few more pieces, custom tees are always an option. With that in mind, we figured it was about time we walk you through everything you need to know before you start designing your very own custom T-shirt prints. After reading this guide, you’ll be ready to design your very own custom T-shirts in no time!
What is RareCustom?
There are many different places on the Internet where people can order custom T-shirts. However, there are only a handful of sites that are designated solely for custom tees. The site, such as RareCustom, allows you to design your own T-shirt with your photos, text, and graphics printed on the fabric. In addition to designing your own custom tees, you can also order custom T-shirts with designs created by other RareCustom users.
There are two things that make RareCustom stand out from the crowd. The first is the community. RareCustom has a very active user base, with many people creating designs for other users to use. With RareCustom, you are never just designing for yourself; you are designing for the community. The second thing that makes RareCustom so unique is the printing method. Instead of printing on cotton, which wears out over time, RareCustom prints on a synthetic fabric, which requires very little maintenance.
How to Design a Print T-Shirt
There are lots of tools and services that can help you design a custom t-shirt, but here we’ll focus on the most basic method.
- Decide what type of t-shirt you want to design. There are two main types of t-shirts: preshrunk and unshrunk. The main difference between these two types is that preshrunk t-shirts shrink in the wash, while unshrunk t-shirts do not. If you want to fit more graphics on your custom t-shirt, unshrunk is the way to go.
- Create a custom design. You need to create a custom design for your t-shirt. The design can be anything although the length of printing the design would depend on the design.
- Order the Designs. If you’re done with the design and have selected the type of shirt to use, you are ready for it to be processed. Order the designs right away and receive them on your door.
Types of Print T-Shirts
There are several types of shirts that are available for printing. Shirt printing is a process that requires thorough research to create quality custom t-shirts. It requires a selection of custom ink and shirt designs. To help you in choosing the correct type of shirt we give you the type of shirts available for printing.
- Blank: These custom tees are 100% cotton and come pre-shrunk and pre-washed. They are designed to be the cheapest option, but they are also the shortest-term option. They are also the easiest to work with.
- Pre-Shrunk: If you plan to wear your new custom T-shirt on a regular basis, you can get away with buying a pre-shrunk t-shirt. Pre-shrunk tees don’t shrink much in the wash, but they do shrink a little bit when you first wear them. Pre-shrunk tees are a good middle ground between unshrunk and preshrunk; they are still long-term, but not expensive.
- Unshrunk: These t-shirts are the most durable, lasting you the longest, however, they are also the most expensive. Unshrunk tees do not shrink much in the wash, but they are also the most difficult to work with as you have to wash them by hand.
Advantages of Using Print T-Shirts
Custom apparel has belonged to the trend since the start of the pandemic. Many business owners tried this printed t-shirt business while some failed, most of these businesses succeeded and became well known. Below are some benefits of using print t-shirts.
- Print T-Shirts are unique: There are lots of different types of shirts in the world, so why should you wear just one? While everyone has their own style and preferences, everyone can wear a custom t-shirt.
- Print T-Shirts can be personal: If you’re looking for a unique gift for someone, custom tees are an excellent option. They aren’t just for people; you can also print your pet’s name on a pet shirt, or create a shirt with your favorite quote.
- Print T-Shirts can be helpful: A custom t-shirt is an excellent option for businesses and organizations looking to advertise. You can find all sorts of vendors and brands with custom tees. If you’re in need of some assistance, custom tees can be helpful for raising awareness and funding for various causes and organizations.
Final Words
There’s no doubt that custom tees are experiencing a major popularity boost. In fact, many clothing retailers are now designing custom T-shirts and selling them as part of their online merchandise. This means that there are more custom T-shirt brands than ever before, which allows you to shop from a variety of different vendors and find the custom tee design that works best for you. Custom shirts from these businesses may look very tempting but one of their downsides would be how common this would be in the crowd.
Creating a unique custom tee would be a hard task. This can be a daunting task for those who have never ordered a custom T-shirt before, and it can be very challenging for those who want to create designs that are a bit more unique and creative than the average shirt. That’s why we’ve written this guide, to help you get started designing custom T-shirts and avoiding some of the common mistakes that new custom T-shirt designers make. We hope you’ve enjoyed our guide! Now that you’ve learned all there is to know about designing custom tees, you can grab your pens and markers and start designing those custom T-shirts with RareCustom!