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Organization Design for Digital Transformation: What You Need to Know

Digital Transformation

How has your company planned to implement digital transformation on an organizational level? Surveys indicate that almost 90% of companies today are conducting business in the cloud, and their dependence on technology will continue to increase in this decade. Organizations expressing hesitation regarding incorporating digitization into business operations have been convinced to implement organizational transformation. However, companies have failed because they ignored the importance of making the “desire for change” tangible to the workforce. Disparities between reality and rhetoric often make your employees unresponsive to digital transformation. So, what’s the solution to this problem?

Business managers shouldn’t overlook implementing these changes by linking them to average workers’ commonplace experiences. Unfortunately, companies forget to restructure themselves organizationally and introduce the necessary highlights for making their employees change-ready in today’s tech-reliant world. Statistics by McKinsey have shown that 70% of digital changes are unsuccessful at producing the desired outcomes. Your company can avoid this downfall by preparing the workplace for “the change” and fostering a digital culture within the organization. Experts suggest you establish “digital readiness” to effectively transform your company, create digital competency, and future-proof your workforce.

1. Enhance your learning:-

Understanding organizational design for digital transformation has become convenient thanks to the arrival of e-learning programs. A course like that helps business leaders understand how large-scale digital changes are possible by developing the required organizational capabilities. So, who should pursue these programs? If you’re interested in making digital changes a strategic priority within your organization, then these online courses will allow you to maximize your workforce’s productivity by incorporating technology into business operations. Enhance your education to understand how to motivate employees to accept these digital changes. Read the following strategies we’ve mentioned.

2. Involve your employees:-

Employees embrace digital transformation effectively when business leaders involve them in these procedures. Neglecting to collaborate with your workforce may prevent employees from struggling with digitization and eagerly engaging in your efforts to transform the company. Make your workers feel respected by involving them so you may obtain their cooperation, making your company transition effectively from old-fashioned strategies to digital methods. Involve your workers now!

3. Eliminate the fear:-

The sheer presence of technology scares old-fashioned employees who have grown accustomed to doing things traditionally. What makes workers afraid of technology today? Well, statistics indicate that 40% of employees assume that machines can perform over 60% of their tasks. Business leaders should reaffirm that technology will not necessarily replace them, but automation hones their productivity drastically. Digital transformation means that AI overtakes time-consuming procedures, freeing employees for more human-driven jobs. Tackle this “fear” of AI by explaining to the workforce how technology’s there to make their lives easier and the organization more efficient.

4. Empower your workers:-

Organizations should empower their employees by upskilling and reskilling them effectively, thereby improving their employability in this technology-dependent world. Deliver training packages needed to prepare your workforce for post-transformation systems and solutions. Altruism seems to bolster employee training since you’re reskilling/upskilling them for your benefit and because you realize the importance of “tech skills” in the future workplace. So, enhance your workers’ abilities.

5. Invest in training:-

Empowering your workforce requires business leaders to arrange proper training measures for them and constantly educate their employees via well-structured learning programs. Even though “digital transformation” has become a well-known buzzword in the business industry, surveys indicate that merely 5% of companies achieve their digitization objectives. These companies have taught workers the “why” behind these changes, and digitization improves their productivity. Implementing proper training programs teaches your workforce about all direct and indirect changes resulting from digital transformation within the organization, thereby preparing them to withstand this procedure today.

6. Communicate your goals:-

Business leaders must communicate their objectives to the workforce while restructuring for digital transformation. Informing your employees of the company’s objectives will allow them to properly understand the technology you’re going to implement, motivating workers to adapt to these changes. Explain which outcomes you expect to achieve from transforming the company, such as reducing errors, introducing data-driven decision-making, and boosting data access to workers.

7. Establish digital cultures:-

Moreover, companies often neglect to establish a “digital culture,” due to which their digitization endeavors are unsuccessful. Even scientific research validates the assumption that establishing the right culture is the recipe for success in digitization. For instance, we learn that companies focusing on culture-building endeavors are five times more successful than companies ignoring the importance of harnessing a digital culture. Create data-driven cultures within your organization to achieve better outcomes and promote data-driven decision-making. Business leaders can gain employees’ goodwill by properly fostering this tech-based culture.

8. Appoint a CIO:-

Organizations can benefit from introducing relevant experts into the workforce, making their digitization endeavors more streamlined. Your employees require ideal leaders to understand how technological transformation benefits the company. Modern-day organizations recruit CIOs, chief innovation officers, CDOs, or chief digital officers. It’s important to ensure that these offices are well-versed with the necessary capabilities to lead and communicate with their teams.

9. Follow tech trends:-

Lastly, business leaders must focus on following tech trends and ensure that these trends remain an integral priority within the organization. Knowing these digital trends can help you understand what has become mainstream in today’s business industry. Business leaders should realize how automation, blockchain, and data analytics trends have become mainstream today. Thus, your organization can leverage big data to obtain sharp insights into your customers’ preferences, thereby creating marketable products. That’s why technological transformation isn’t successful with no focus on following these trends. Now, look out for what’s happening in the world of technology.


We’ve established that business leaders can’t implement digital transformation without restricting their organizations and motivating their employees to understand the benefits of digitization. How can you make your workers ready for these changes? We suggested that business leaders collaborate and communicate with the workforce properly to eliminate the “fear” of the technology. Establish digital cultures within your organization and empower your workers to embrace the change. Also, don’t forget to enhance your learning. Business leaders can pursue online digital transformation courses to understand how these changes benefit their organizations.

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