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If there is a wet floor sign can you still sue if you slip and hurt yourself?

wet floor sign

We have all seen signs that warn of a wet floor at the theater, grocery store, and other public spaces. But what if you slip and fall regardless of the warning signs? If there is a wet floor sign, can you still sue if you slip and hurt yourself?

If you are injured by slipping, contact a personal injury attorney as you may still be entitled to compensation.

These signs are intended to alert patrons about the possibility of a fall and slip injury. These hazards are not something businesses inform customers out of kindness, however. They hope that a warning to patrons will exonerate them from any civil liability.

Simply posting a sign does not automatically exonerate anyone from responsibility for a fall. This could be evidence that the plaintiff was aware of the danger. It does not mean that a jury will conclude that the property owner took all reasonable steps.

How to Make a Claim After a Slip and Fall

You may wonder how to prove liability if you are attempting to file a claim for spillage injury.

Duty of Care

A “duty of care” is when an employer or business is in the position to provide care for you. Your employer is responsible for ensuring that your work area is safe if you slip on a slippery floor at work. This includes ensuring that spills are cleaned up quickly, you have non-slip shoes, and that the floor was suitable for the work done in that area.

If there was a duty to care and it was found to have been breached, the employer or business was liable for the accident. If that breach of duty of care caused you to be hurt or require medical attention, then there is a claim for compensation.

Get Medical Attention!

If you have fallen on a wet floor, seek medical attention immediately. While some injuries can be seen immediately, others may take longer to heal. Seek medical attention.

What you Can Claim

You may be curious about the damages that can be claimed if you want to file spillage injury claims.

It is worth looking at how damages are categorized if you have questions about the amount of compensation that can be awarded for slip-or-trip claims.

Non-economic damages

This includes any emotional effects that the injuries may have on you. The amount you receive depends on your injuries and the time to heal.

Economic damages

These refer to expenses or costs that have been incurred because of you being injured. For example, if you slipped on a wet floor at work and broke your leg, you may need personal care at home for a short time. If you paid for this, you could claim it back. This portion of the claim, sometimes known as special damages, also covers any medical and travel expenses, too. Keep all receipts as proof of these expenses.

This part of the claim is sometimes called “special damages”. It also covers travel and medical expenses. As proof of expenses, keep all receipts.

The amount of compensation awarded can be adjusted for each claim to consider different circumstances. If you are interested in finding out how much compensation, you might be awarded for a slip-or trip, contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

The Amount of Compensation you Should Expect

A slip or trip can lead to many injuries. Many of these injuries result from a fall and slip that causes the victim to fall heavily to the ground.

If you slip on a wet floor and fall backward on your pelvis, it can cause a fractured hip and whiplash injuries as your head is snapped back and forth in rapid succession.

In other words, the amount you receive in compensation for slipping on wet floors depends on how you were injured, what it was like, and how you may continue to be affected. This compensation table gives an indication of the compensation that may be available for injuries resulting from slipping on a slippery floor.

When There was No Warning Sign

Sometimes, regulations and guidelines are not always followed or acted upon. If you slip or fall on a wet floor and there was no sign to indicate it, this would be a breach of the duty for care by the retailer, employer, etc. You will be entitled to compensation.

It may be possible to make a claim regardless of whether there was a sign on the floor. It is important to consider whether the sign was visible. Did it face in a way that made it easy to see?

People have claimed to have slipped on wet floors because the sign was facing the wrong way and only visible to those walking in the opposite direction.

Getting Compensation

You may wonder who you can make a claim against if you have suffered a spillage injury,

Slips and trips on wet floors can happen in many places.

  • Shops
  • Hotels
  • Restaurants
  • Supermarkets
  • Public Transport
  • Cafe’s
  • At Work
  • Hospitals
  • Most public places

When you Slip on a Wet Supermarket Floor

Supermarkets can be busy, and you should expect to be safe when you shop there. Slipping on wet floors is something you shouldn’t do while browsing the aisles. Accidents can occur.

A supermarket should have a cleaning crew on duty to clean up any spillage on the floor. Sometimes, however, the spillage may be worsened by how they clean it up.

When you Slip and Fall at Work

Slips, trips, and falls are the most common non-fatal workplace injuries. Therefore, there are so many spillage injury lawsuits. To prevent slips and falls, it is important to keep floors and spillages clean and safe.

They happen, however. For example, a claimant may have fallen on concrete steps that should be swept every day. Compensation should be offered if there was a breach of duty.

Accidents in Public Places

You may wonder if you can make a spillage injury claim against your local authority if you are involved in an accident at a public place.

There is an expectation that all places you visit, including restaurants, bars, cafes, and other venues, will be safe.

Businesses and organizations should have maintenance and cleaning staff on-site to address any hazards or risks that may arise.

A slip in public places, such as an icy pavement or sidewalk, can also result in a claim for compensation.

Causes of Wet Floor Incidents

A variety of substances can make a floor surface slippery. Water is the main culprit in making floors slippery. This can be from water on a newly mopped floor or from spills from flower buckets at supermarkets.

  • Chemical cleaners – these chemicals can be used in many places, including the shop floor and commercial kitchens. They can cause a slippery top layer to the floor if they are not used properly.
  • Liquids–Water isn’t the only liquid that can cause problems with floors. Slip hazards can be caused by anything, from spilled oil and grease to fuel.
  • Drinks – Restaurants, cafes, and bars are three types of foodservice locations that need to ensure any spilled drinks are quickly cleaned up. The same applies to take-outs, as well as fast food outlets.
  • Spills – any type of spillage can lead to slip hazards. Some companies will have policies that govern how spills are dealt with, such as the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Roof leakage – roofs can leak due to heavy and persistent rain.
  • Leakage of containers – large oil vats and drums containing fuel or other liquids can pose a danger and slip hazard. Many companies and organizations have procedures for handling leaking containers safely and how to make sure everyone is safe.
  • Burst pipes – Some things are impossible to predict, and a burst pipe is one such thing. However, companies and organizations are expected to recognize the dangers and minimize the risk of slippage on wet floors when they occur.
  • Unsuitable floor materials  – Some tiling finishes, such as those used for tile flooring, can become slippery when it gets wet or damp. Combining slip hazards with inappropriate footwear can lead to serious consequences.

A Slip Trip

When you lose your balance or an unanticipated object (e.g. broken pavement) causes you to slip, trip, or fall, it can cause you to fall. A slip, trip, or fall can have serious consequences for your health and well-being.

The leading causes of slips, trips, and falls are:

  • Maintenance or Design – If the maintenance or design is poor, then lighting problems, unstable fixtures or uneven flooring can be problematic.
  • Housekeeping – A lack of housekeeping that results in unattended junk and wires can lead to slips and/or trips.

Claims for Injury Due to Slippage that Result in A No Win No Fee Agreement

If your lawyer is unsuccessful in winning your case, you don’t have to pay them a fee. This reduces the financial risk associated with the claims process and leaves you with nothing to lose if your case fails.

There are many places where you can sustain a wet-floor injury. There are many types of injuries depending on the area you slipped on wet floors and the surrounding environment. If you slip on a wet surface and fall from a height or onto a floor, you can sustain a head injury, back injury, or even a spinal injury.

Broken bones and soft tissue injuries are possible. These injuries could include your hands if your hands are protected. You might also injure your ligaments or tendons by twisting your knee or ankle.

Proving your Claim

An independent medical evaluation is required during your claim. Independent of your case, a medical expert conducts an examination to determine the severity and nature of the injuries. After they have done this, they will write a medical report that can provide the evidence needed in order to obtain the right amount of compensation.

You may be eligible for compensation if your injuries lead to mental trauma, anxiety, or depression. To be eligible for compensation, you will need to prove that the injury or accident caused the mental damage.

Leading Causes of Slips, Trips, and Falls

A slip or fall can be caused by many factors. They can often be caused by:

  • Walking paths – If walkways aren’t in the right spot or are not available, it can cause someone to trip over and fall.
  • Design and maintenance – If the design or maintenance is poor, then lighting problems, uneven flooring or insecure fixtures can be a problem.
  • Housekeeping – Inadequate housekeeping can lead to slips and trips as wires and junk are left unattended.

It can be very complicated to file a claim. While there is no legal requirement that claimants must have a lawyer to represent them, it can help you win the


What is a No Win No Fee Agreement?

If your case is unsuccessful, your lawyer will not be charged a fee. This reduces the financial risk associated with the claims process and leaves you with nothing to lose if your case fails.

What injuries can you expect from a wet-floor accident?

There are many places where you can sustain a wet-floor injury. There are many types of injuries depending on the area you slipped on wet floors and what was around you. If you slip on a wet surface and fall from a height or onto a floor, you can sustain a head injury, back injury, or even a spinal injury.

Broken bones and soft tissue injuries are possible. However, similar injuries could result from slip accidents at the same level depending on where you fell. These injuries could include to your hands if you have them out to protect yourself. You might also injure your ligaments or tendons by twisting your knee or ankle.

How can you prove that your wet floors have suffered spillage injuries?

An independent medical evaluation would be required during your claim. Independent of your case, a medical expert would conduct an examination to determine the severity and nature of your injuries. After they have done this, they will write a medical report that could provide you with the evidence you need in order to obtain the right amount of compensation.

Is it possible to sustain a psychological injury from a wet-floor incident?

You may be eligible for compensation if your injuries lead to mental trauma, anxiety, or depression. To be eligible for compensation, you will need to prove that the injury or accident caused the mental damage.

Can I file a Civil Suit?

Even if there were a sign, you are entitled to file a civil suit. Although it is an important factor, the court will take into account all the facts. Managers and property owners have a responsibility to ensure that their premises are secure when inviting the public in.

This holds true, especially for business owners. They are required to take reasonable steps in order to eliminate hazards such as wet floors. They could be held responsible for damages if they failed to act quickly.

What are some other factors to consider?

Multiple factors must be considered to determine whether a sign on the floor might be sufficient to absolve a business of any liability. An attorney must consider all aspects of these cases when reviewing them. It is crucial to determine how quickly after a spillage the sign was placed.

It is also important to consider how the sign was used. Was it prominently visible? Signs that are too far away or not visible from the eye will not prevent injury. It is also difficult to read.

The importance of reasonableness

Finally, both parties are bound by what a reasonable person might have done. The property owner must act conscientiously and swiftly to deal with any problems. If they fail to, they could face litigation.

The injured person in a fall is also held to a similar standard. Compensation is only available if a reasonable person would not have noticed the sign and acted accordingly.

Should the court determine the business owner acted responsibly and a rational person would have seen the sign, the court may lessen or even eliminate any damage award.


A slip and fall on a slippery floor can lead to serious injuries.

You may only get bumps and bruises if you are very fortunate.

Unfortunately, many fall victims aren’t so lucky. One in five falls causes serious injuries such as head trauma and broken bones. The death rate from falls is on the rise and has increased by 30% in recent years.

If you are seriously hurt by falling on wet flooring, a sign that says “wet floor” doesn’t automatically release the business owner from liability. Compensation may be available for your injuries and lost wages and emotional distress.

If you have been in a slip and fall accident, time is of the essence. Don’t wait for unexpected complications before you seek counsel. Call a personal injury attorney now so you can rest assured your physical and emotional needs are taken care of.

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