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How Your Business Can Accelerate Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is one of the leading trends that will impact and guide business in the coming years. In essence, digital transformation describes the integration of digital technology into all aspects of a company to revolutionize the way they operate and how customers derive value from their offerings.

In the past, digital transformation was a laborious process with layers of complexities. It was an enormous undertaking for businesses, especially small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which kept many from pursuing it as a company strategy.

But today, businesses can accelerate their digital transformation in weeks or even days with the help of rapidly developing technology.

If you don’t want to be left behind as businesses continue to evolve, here’s how to accelerate your company’s digital transformation.

Find supporting technology

Finding the right supporting technology to aid in your transformation is critical. Remote communication and collaboration technology, for example, can support a remote or hybrid workforce and can also enhance productivity. In another example, using a Kubernetes management platform can accelerate digital transformation by helping support data center outsourcing and acting as a scalable deployment tool.

Some kinds of technology you may want to consider in your transformation include:

  • Orders and payments software
  • Video conferencing software
  • Cloud software
  • Collaboration and communication software

Technology is here to support your operations, not hinder them, so consider areas of your business where a few code-based helping hands could make a significant difference.

Seek out opportunities

The next essential step to accelerating your digital transformation is continually seeking new opportunities to grow and digitize. This process looks different for every business and requires a strategic way of thinking to recognize the right opportunities.

A fitness center may decide to start offering live-streaming classes so members can participate from home. Offices may turn to telecommunication services to support hybrid or remote work environments while some work from home.

Empower employees through the transition

Digital transformation is not possible without buy-in and support from employees. To achieve that response and adoption from employees, they need to feel empowered through the changes, not held back.

Outdated systems and hardware won’t cut it if you want to evolve digitally. It’s about replacing legacy systems with improved platforms and providing the necessary training and support, so team members feel confident using these new interfaces.

Embrace automation

The more you can automate your business, the more time, energy, and labor you’ll have to put toward other goals. Automation technology can help with multiple operational tasks, from call centers to chatbots and more.

It can also make drastic improvements in process-based operations, such as manufacturing. AI and robotic process automation can handle simple, repetitive tasks that once required human intervention with ease and without error.

Not only will customers value and recognize these changes, but they’ll be better served with employees focusing their attention on more pressing matters, ultimately helping the business scale even more.

Prioritize customers

Customers should not be left behind as your business accelerates its digital transformation. It’s not worth it if it’s to the detriment of the customers that sustain your business. It’s imperative that the changes made are to their benefit and that they are aware of what changes will come and how that will adjust the value they derive from your business.

Final thoughts

Digital transformation was one thing, but accelerating digital transformation may be one of the most impactful changes the business sector can expect to see in coming years. Embracing technology is table stakes for today’s future-first entrepreneurs, but that doesn’t mean you have to worry if you’ve fallen behind the curve. Accelerating your digital transformation can see you reaping the benefits faster than the click of a mouse.

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