Baccarat vs Sic Bo

Sic Bo is widely considered to be a novelty game, rooted in ancient Chinese tradition and consisting of three dice. Sic Bo is a game of pure chance that moves quickly and involves no skill or method. Perhaps this is why the game has stuck around for so long, going as far as appearing online, amongst the other classics.
Baccarat is the more widely known game of the two, which instead uses a standard deck of cards, and gained popularity by featuring in the prolific Bond films. Although the likes of Blackjack and Poker are slightly more popular in the gaming scene, Baccarat is still loved by many distinguished players looking for a VIP casino atmosphere within local brick-and-mortar establishments as well as online.
Both games have their positives, each offering a different gameplay experience, depending on your preference. But how do they differ, and, which is better – Baccarat or Sic Bo? Read on to find out.
House Edge
If you’re a fan of the game, then you’ll most likely know that Baccarat has one of the lowest house edges of all the casino games, although this is very dependent on the bets that you choose to place. In order to benefit from the lowest house edge possible – 1.06% – players are advised to place their bets on the banker holding the winning hand. The second lowest house edge in this game is 1.24%, and can be benefitted from when betting on the player’s winning hand. All tie bets offer considerably higher house edges, ultimately decreasing your chances of bagging that win.
Sic Bo has a far greater series of house edges, although once again, this is extremely dependent on the type of bet you choose to make. In a nutshell, the more specific your bet is, or the less options there are for the outcome you’re betting on, the higher your house edge is likely to be. For example, the bet with the lowest house edge in this game is simply “Big or Small”, which consists of a whopping 105 possible combinations and an edge of 2.78%. Whilst a double bet has far fewer potential outcomes (6) and sits at an edge of 18.25%.
Winner: With both games being influenced by the types of bets, Baccarat ultimately wins this round with the lowest house edge.
Baccarat is a fairly simple game to master, with easy-to-understand rules and very little prior knowledge needed. To a novice, the game might seem complicated, but once you enter the game, you’ll soon find that there’s really not a lot to choose from. There’s the banker’s hand, the player’s hand and a tie to place your bets on – with the general running of the game picked up by the dealer. This means that aspects such as dealing cards, identifying winning scores, paying out and collecting chips from losing wagers are all taken care of. This contributes greatly to the ease of the game, as well as the clearly labelled gaming table.
Similarly, Sic Bo is a simple game to play, with an explanatorily labelled table that hosts gameplay. You’ll find all of your betting options illustrated around the table, ensuring that you know exactly what’s on offer. Just like the other classic casino games, your wagers will be represented by chips, and the dealer will do most of the work – in this case, shaking up the dice.
Winner: It’s a tie! Both games leave the hard work to the dealers, and consist of simple betting styles. Sic Bo arguably takes the edge with the outcome being decided by dice, and no way of influencing this result. However, it’s just too close to call!
Overall, we’d say that Baccarat most likely remains on top, mostly due to the popularity aspect and likeliness of finding the game at your local casino or preferred gaming site.
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