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Top 6 Uses For Your Smartphone

Top 6 Uses For Your Smartphone

By now, nearly every person in the world has a smartphone of their own, and no matter the brand or operating system; they all share similar functionality. With that being said, there are many out there who prefer only to use their phones for calls and texts only – which means losing out on the many other functions that our phones have to offer!


You can get more daily use from your phone than just your calls and texts, smartphones can also double up as a GPS. If you have access to a signal and internet, you can use your phone to help you navigate! While that might not be useful on your everyday trip to work, going anywhere else that you’re unfamiliar with should make it pretty handy if you feel like looking around.

If you know you’re not going to have internet access where you’re going, you can also download maps for offline use; this way you can see where you are at all times – connection or not! This is great for people who enjoy activities like hiking or backpacking away from cities and towns!

Keeping Contact

A phone’s main function is for keeping in contact with people, but with such a broad range of apps, you now have so many different ways to do so! First of all, some apps let you do the same thing as texting, except they cost nothing to use and all they require is an internet connection. WhatsApp is a great example of a free and convenient way to keep in touch with your friends and family without needing to pay for a contract or other fees.

With the ability to read and send emails from your phone now too, your phone becomes the key to all of your long-distance communications. Many people need frequent access to their emails for work purposes, and being able to get them instantly on your phone can make life so much easier for you.


Since smartphones started becoming popular, they began to be a lot more than just devices for contacting people, and now are very popular for their entertainment value. Every year, newer and more powerful phones are released for consumers who want to get more from their phones; so what is “more”?

Music is one of the leading forms of entertainment that people use their phones for, as it’s so easy and convenient to access anything you want to listen to any time you want to. Apps like Spotify or iTunes allow you to make your own music library and play any song you want to when you feel like listening to it!

Another popular use of smartphones is watching videos. With access to the internet, you’re free to use apps like youtube and Netflix to keep up with all your favorite shows or content creators. While it might seem inconvenient to watch shows on such a small screen – if you ever find yourself lying in bed unable to sleep or commuting long distances on a train; your phone screen is the perfect form of entertainment to keep you busy!

While not so popular, mobile games are a great way to pass the time if you find yourself waiting around. Whether it be a quick crossword game, or something a little more interactive like mobile drifting games, most mobile games are great if you’re waiting with nothing to do for a little bit.


More than just entertainment, your phone offers a lot of options for organizing the events in your life. The majority of phones come with apps pre-installed to help you keep on top of your plans and events, which is something that any busy person out there should be making use of! The calendar app is great for getting notified in advance for plans that you’ve scheduled in, and you’ll never have to worry about missing plans again!


It’s never been more convenient to access your bank account than mobile banking. You no longer need to stop at an ATM or visit your bank to check in on your balance and payments. Stop in at your bank and get your online bank account set up if you frequently need to check your finances! Most banks have their own app to help manage things and will likely not come pre-installed on your phone.


Even though online shopping prevents you from physically inspecting what you buy, you save yourself a lot of time actually having to go from shop to shop. Shops can be crowded, out of stock on what you need, or far from where you live! With online shopping, you never need to deal with such inconveniences – nor will you ever have trouble finding what you’re looking for; as most online shops offer a search bar for their products.

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