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The Role of Intuitive Capability in Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Many companies waste an incredible amount of hours searching for a great idea for their marketing campaign, an insight that can be a game changer and propel the brand, even if only for a short time, into the galaxy of the strongest companies in terms of reputation and also in terms of performance.

When planning a new campaign, there is usually a meeting or video call that is attended by all the people involved in executing the plan: the marketing department staff, the manager and CEO, the art director and some creative, perhaps even the press and public relations people. All of these people gather around a table–virtually or physically–in an effort to come up with one of those legendary big ideas that helped make several advertising campaigns unique, infusing them with that magical touch that made them memorable.

Sometimes, companies also enlist the services of expert consultants, communications professionals who, while not an integral part of the core staff, themselves sit around the table and provide their valuable – often decisive – input into campaign design.

Lightning-fast insights

It is very rare when these ideas arise out of nowhere in the middle of a meeting: while you are with others, at best you may have a good idea related to the scope of the campaign, naming strategies or other secondary aspects of the communication plan. Big ideas, in most cases, arise in the minds of certain professionals when they find themselves alone, perhaps at the end of a long meeting, or after thinking about them for a long time on the train, in the car or on the subway, on the ride home after a day spent in the office.

Great ideas arise suddenly, in a lightning-fast manner, almost always while the person conceiving them is somewhere alone, in a serene and quiet environment. Sometimes, they may also arise spontaneously after clearing the mind of all superfluous material, perhaps after an 10-minute meditation session. This last practice, if done correctly and regularly, can certainly bring great benefits to all employees in the marketing and communications sector, and especially to those who are constantly called upon to produce great ideas with which to enliven a communications campaign for some large client.

One of these undeniable benefits is to train one’s intuitive ability by directly intervening in those parts of the mind where our innate and original creativity is based. Nowadays, in the permanent chaos that characterizes our societies, people have almost completely lost the ability to concentrate for a few moments to admire any form of beauty that lies before their eyes, beautiful and vivid in all its splendor.

One of the most precious gifts of childhood, namely the ability to wonder, has also almost been lost. Meditative practices can certainly help remove a certain amount of superfluous material from your mind, thus gradually returning them to their original condition.

A matter of a few seconds

Some of the most effective communication campaigns in recent years have come about as a result of an idea that arose in a thousandth of a second, perhaps thanks to a brilliant insight of an employee who, following some particular event, decided in the blink of an eye to generate a hashtag and launch it on social, thus laying the groundwork for an extremely successful campaign. When the network begins to appreciate a piece of content or a post born from a brilliant idea, the content itself goes viral, giving the company the possility to exploit it for its strategic goals, but also for building a quality brand presence online.

It is thanks to ideas of this kind that some of the best online portals dedicated to gambling continue to grow and thrive: the platforms that offer safe online casinos, in addition to offering great varieties of online games and slot machines for every kind of player, also encapsulate within them a whole series of collateral services that greatly enhance the user experience, and that were born as a result of the conception of a great idea that was immediately successful.

The fact that these platforms continue to offer new ways to have fun online, as well as a rich selection of honest reviews focused on the different games, shows that at the root of their success there has always been a great initial intuition, a great idea that has allowed these portals to excite and satisfy people’s desire for fun.

By learning to control the mind, we will also gain the ability to channel all of our energy into the development of one or more great ideas destined to change the world.

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