Serviceteam: What precautions have we taken to protect our clients and staff during the pandemic to ensure our trades provide a consistent level of service?

When the COVID-19 Pandemic took hold globally, we realised a different and balanced approach was needed between safety and the supply of emergency services to our loyal and potential customers. These steps are of the greatest importance and are meant to ensure the safety of all our clients and staff.
To avoid transmitting COVID-19 around London we had to implement a stringent set of guidelines, see below.
Firstly, all of our service engineers/tradespeople visiting your property to complete an Annual Boiler Service or resealing/silicone/mastic or larger projects such as central heating powerflush, or even a boiler installation, are subject to routine monitoring to confirm they are in good health and devoid of any symptoms of COVID-19.

In return, we ask that all our loyal and potential clients, rigorously follow the guidelines below for the sake of everyone’s safety.
Before any services can take place
- When booking a service or prior to any appointment we ask that you let us know if anybody in the household has been told to self-isolate or are shielding. If so, we will have to reschedule until the period has expired.
- *Where possible, we request that you are not in the property during our visit. If this is not possible, reasonable care must be taken by adopting socially distancing guidelines? Alternatively you may want to wait in the garden, balcony, separate room or even your car during the visit?
- On the day of the appointment, we ask our customers to confirm to our tradesperson that they have not been in contact with anyone displaying Covid-19 symptoms and that they are not showing any symptoms themselves. This is vital and we respectfully request openness and honesty in this instance for obvious reasons.
What to observe during our visit?
- Disposable gloves will be worn by all serviceteam personnel when in attendance. Serviceteam branded face masks are worn by all visiting serviceteam personnel without exception especially when and where social distancing may be challenging.
- We respectfully request that all customers wear PPE during our visit also.
- Please be aware that our staff do not shake hands with customers, in order to adhere to social distancing requirements. So please do not take this personally.
- We respectfully request that all present adhere to social distancing measures (at least 2 metres apart) without exception.
- During the visit we will endeavour to avoid contact with doors, cupboards, hard surfaces etc (wherever possible) to reduce the risk of transmission.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy & Updates
We are monitoring Government health advice in relation to the spread of the virus and will continue to follow Government recommendations to prevent transmission between clients and tradespeople.
Information updates
We’ve been sending regular updates to our workforce. They’re continually updated regarding symptoms and general hygiene measures.
We’ve also asked staff who develop any symptoms to self isolate and avoid contact with others.
General hygiene measures
We’ve asked all our tradespeople to follow the WHO’s standard infection control measures:
Wearing a face mask and gloves at all times is mandatory for our personnel. *If we are specifically asked by the client not to do so, we will have to make a judgement call as to why and whether the visit can go ahead? Without protection puts our personnel at risk and prefer this is not requested!
Frequently cleaning hands using alcohol-based hand sanitizer (carried by all tradespeople in their vans) or soap and water.
When coughing or sneezing the mouth and nose must be covered to avoid any airborne contamination. If tissues are used they must be disposed of immediately, followed by washing of hands.
Avoiding close contact with anyone who has a fever and cough. Gloves and face mask worn at all times without exception.
If you experience a high temperature/fever, cough or breathing difficulties, contact NHS 111 and seek medical care without delay.
Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth especially when in contact with all types of surfaces i.e. handles/doors/hard surfaces etc.
Head Office
We have gone above and beyond the Government’s advice on self-isolation and have stationed all office personnel at home and have stressed the practise of regular hand washing and asked all personnel to avoid/minimise socialising. Only essential journeys should be the norm.
Serviceteam Vans
All trades vehicles and equipment are individually owned and cared for by serviceteam. Crucially our tradespeople always use the same van and equipment which massively reduces the risk of cross contamination.
Our tradespeople are supplied with heavy duty antibacterial wipes allowing them to clean tools, steering wheels after every job.
Our tradespeople regularly have their vehicles ‘deep’ cleaned by professional van cleaning companies every fortnight inside and out.
Our Tradespeople
We continue to hold regular team briefings (remotely) to reinforce our strict health and safety guidelines, such as: gloves, masks, regular hand washing, carrying hand sanitisers and informing management when unwell.
During your arranged arrival slot your tradesperson will arrive on the doorstep. They have been advised to observe the 2 meters rule when you greet them. Please do not take exception if the conversation seems to be ‘clipped’ or lacking total engagement as they like to get the job completed on time and keep everyone safe.
Hygiene supplies
Our tradespeople have been provided with hand sanitizer and instructed to clean their hands thoroughly before they enter and when leaving a client’s property.
Our trades people have masks and gloves which must be worn at all times whilst in a property *(please see above – unless specifically instructed otherwise by the resident).
Our tradespeople have Goggles and disposable gloves available. Although the Government has not made the wearing of these items compulsory our tradespeople will do so if specifically requested by a client.
Remote Support
We’re providing remote fault diagnosing and quotes from images, videos and online meetings to try and minimise, wherever possible, the time taken and frequency of visits to a client’s property.
1st Fix approach
Our “do it once, do it right” policy applies to all works undertaken to minimise the need for return visits.
Customer health information
We kindly ask our clients, during these difficult times and at the point of booking their service to inform us if anyone in the household is isolating, has any symptoms, or has been diagnosed with COVID-19. Regretfully, we will not be able to send a tradesperson to resolve any maintenance issues in such situations. We trust that all clients understand our policy which is directed at containing the virus and is in line with Government health recommendations.
We’ll keep everyone regularly updated as and when Government health recommendations change.
We trust the above will help to maintain business productivity and steer us through the current situation.
If you have any concerns please contact our front of house team who will happily discuss these precautions and answer any questions you may have.
Be cautious and stay safe!