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Provably fair Technology

Provably fair Technology

Provably Fair is a gaming system that ensures transparency and fairness using cryptographic algorithms. Provably fair means that players can verify the integrity of every round outcome, eliminating any doubts about manipulation. The most popular games using this algorithm are Lucky 8, Aviator Game Online, and Diamond Of Jungle.

Trust is paramount in gambling, as it fosters a positive user experience and encourages further participation. Without trust, gamblers may feel cheated or frustrated, leading to abandonment and reputational damage to the platform. Credibly fair mechanisms increase trust by providing verifiable evidence of fair play and building confidence in the platform’s integrity. Trust builds a base of loyal users, which is essential for the sustainability of the gaming industry.

Provably Fair Mechanism


A Provably Fair Algorithm is a cryptographic method used in online gaming to ensure clarity and transparency. It typically involves three main steps:

  • Seed Generation: The server generates random numbers, usually based on unpredictable external factors like server time or player inputs.
  • Seed Hashing: The server then hashes this seed and provides the hash to the player before the round begins.
  • Outcome Generation: When the game ends, the player sends their own random one to the server. The server combines this seed with its own to determine the outcome. 

Main Variables 

The main variables collectively uphold the principles of transparency in the Provably Fair algorithm. They are:

  • Server Seed: This is a random number generated by the online gaming platform. Before placing a bet, gamblers only have access to the hash of this number, created using the SHA-256 algorithm. The Server Seed ensures randomness in determining outcomes.
  • Client Seed: Users generate this random number until the moment they place a bet. It serves as a cryptographic value that varies with each bet, contributing to the unpredictability of results.
  • Hash Function: The Hash Function, often SHA-256, encrypts the Server Seed to produce a hash value. Punters receive this hash before betting, allowing them to verify the integrity of the Server Seed. By combining the Client Seed with the Server Seed’s hash, the outcome is determined.

Usage In Practice 

In practice, Provably Fair systems in iGaming platforms operate as follows:

  • The platform’s random number generator creates a Server Seed. This value is hashed and provided to the player before placing a bet. It serves as the basis for determining outcomes.
  • The client browser generates an initial random number. This value is also hashed and used by the platform during bet processing, contributing to the randomness of results.
  • The player receives an unencrypted version of the Client Seed, enabling them to decrypt the betting data generated when placing a bet. By combining the Client Seed with the hash of the Server Seed received from the platform, punters can verify the clarity of outcomes.

Verification Process

This verification process empowers gamblers to independently ensure the openness of online gaming outcomes:

  1. Input Seeds: Users input their chosen or generated Client Seed and the revealed Server Seed provided by the casino into the verification algorithm.
  2. Hash Generation: The algorithm combines the Client Seed with the Server Seed to generate a hash value.
  3. Comparison: Compare the generated hash value with the hash value provided by the casino. If they match, the outcome is considered fair.

Example Scenario:

  • Player A receives a Server Seed hash from the casino before placing a bet. The casino also reveals the Server Seed used to generate the hash.
  • Player A generates their Client Seed independently and inputs it into the verification algorithm along with the revealed Server Seed.
  • The algorithm generates a hash value based on the provided seeds.
  • Player A compares the generated hash with the hash provided by the casino.

Hypothetical Scenario:

  • Player B receives a Server Seed hash and reveals Server Seed from the casino.
  • Player B mistakenly inputs the wrong Client Seed into the verification algorithm.
  • The algorithm generates a hash value based on the incorrect seeds.
  • Player B compares the generated hash with the hash provided by the casino and notices they don’t match.
  • Player B realizes the mistake and inputs the correct Client Seed, generating a matching hash value, and confirming the outcome.

Aviator Game And Provably Fair

Aviator is one of the most popular games utilizing Provably Fair technology in online gambling platforms. It offers players a transparent gambling process, ensuring clarity through cryptographic algorithms.

How Aviator Works

The Aviator game is a simple slot where punters bet on the outcome of a flying aircraft. The goal is to cash out at the right moment before the aircraft flies away.

Provably Fair Mechanism

  • The slot platform generates a random Server Seed for each round.
  • The Server Seed is hashed and provided to players before the game starts.
  • Gamblers can input their own Client Seed or use the one generated by the platform.
  • The outcome is determined by combining the Client Seed with the hashed Server one.

Finding PF in the Aviator Game

  • Navigation: Gamblers typically access the Aviator slot through the “Games” or “Casino” section of the online gambling platform.
  • Provably Fair Section: Within the Aviator slot interface, players can usually find a dedicated section or option labelled “Provably Fair” or “Fairness.”
  • Accessing PF Details: By clicking on the Provably Fair section, players can view detailed information about the Server Seed, Client Seed, and hash value used for each round.
  • Verification Process: Players can independently verify the outcome by inputting the provided seeds and hash into a verification tool or algorithm. If the calculated hash matches the one provided by the platform, players can trust that the round was conducted fairly.

Provably Fair Casinos vs Simple

Provably Fair Casinos Traditional Casinos
Utilizes cryptographic algorithms to ensure transparency, allowing players to verify game outcomes. Relies on trust in the casino’s integrity without providing transparent methods for players to verify openness.
Provides players with access to detailed information about seed values, hashes, and algorithms used in determining game outcomes. Offers limited transparency, with players relying on the casino’s reputation and regulatory oversight for assurance of clarity.
Builds trust through verifiable fairness, fostering a loyal player base and attracting users seeking transparency. Relies heavily on reputation and regulatory compliance to establish trust, which may vary among different casinos.
Empowers players to independently verify the integrity of game outcomes through provided seeds and hashes. Lacks a formal verification process, leaving players dependent on the casino’s word for the fairness of games.
Often operates in jurisdictions with less stringent regulations, but still maintains openness through cryptographic methods. Subject to regulatory oversight in jurisdictions where gambling laws are more stringent, ensuring fairness through compliance measures.

Provably Fair Technology Benefits

Enhanced Transparency

Provably Fair system ensures transparency by providing players with access to detailed information about game algorithms, seeds, and hashes, empowering them to independently verify the game outcomes.

Lower Bet Rates 

This system often features lower minimum bet requirements, making gambling accessible to a broader range of players. This inclusivity encourages more participation and engagement within the gaming community.

Improved Game Quality 

By prioritizing fairness and transparency, Provably Fair technology incentivizes developers to focus on creating high-quality games with engaging gameplay and visually appealing graphics. 

Is It Possible To Hack

While the Provably Fair (PF) system employs cryptographic algorithms to ensure transparency, no system is entirely immune to hacking attempts. However, hacking PF systems is extremely challenging due to the complexity of cryptographic algorithms and the decentralized nature of blockchain technology often used in PF implementations.

Potential hacking tools include seed manipulation tools, hash collision techniques and exploitation of weaknesses.

Despite these potential risks, PF technology remains highly secure when implemented correctly, making successful hacking attempts unlikely.

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