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Krishen Iyer Addresses the Value of Agile Marketing

Agile Marketing

There is a lot to consider when it comes to what a company needs to do for marketing success. Remaining agile with marketing efforts can make a significant difference, says Carlsbad, CA-based entrepreneur Krishen Iyer. He is the head of MAIS Consulting and understands that keeping up with marketing changes can make all the difference for companies. Sometimes, though, trying to keep up is not as easy as it would seem. Companies need to be focused on agile marketing, so they are empowered for change.

Without agile marketing goals and abilities, the plans that a company has for its marketing programs may not fit well with available technological options. These plans may also go against what customers really want and need, which can lead the company down the wrong path. Adjusting to technology, marketing budgets, customer requirements, and more is all important. Agile marketing is the way to handle these issues, says Krishen Iyer, so companies are well-prepared for the future.

Disrupting an organization to address changes is not necessary, if the organization is already set up for change and adaptability. In other words, a company that practices agile marketing can handle changes to its marketing strategy much more easily. Companies that are very set in their ways will be less likely to do so. Making changes to technology and mindset is vital for company success. This is where MAIS Consulting comes in, as Krishen Iyer helps organizations navigate a new marketing world.

Krishen Iyer Says Knowledge is the Biggest Part of the Battle

Often, companies look the other way when there are new ideas on the horizon. They feel comfortable with what they are currently offering, and they want to ensure their employees are all following established protocol. While that can make sense in many cases, it does not always work well for marketing. The reason is that marketing is significantly affected by what customers ask for or demand from companies they do business with. Not listening to those customers causes serious relational problems over time.

With agile marketing, customers know they can explain what they need, and the company will listen. Marketers and other employees of the company are empowered to make decisions that benefit the customer, and that ability helps encourage them to use creative thinking to solve problems and benefit everyone involved. Not only do customers respond well to that, but companies that practice agile marketing also stay up with the times more easily, says Krishen Iyer.

For companies that are not already practicing agile marketing, making the change over to it does not have to be difficult. There is little required except a willingness to learn and adapt. Employees who have not yet had the opportunity to really help customers the way they would like may welcome this change. They can give more of what customers are looking for, and place their focus where it really matters. Customers will see that and respond, which adds to customer loyalty and the value placed on the company.

In other words, says Krishen Iyer, companies that make a change over to agile marketing will be doing more to work with customers and meet their needs. These companies will be asking customers about their specific needs and then finding ways to meet as many of those needs as they can. Naturally, there are some customer requests that just cannot be accommodated. But many companies have rigid marketing programs that are not agile and adaptable, and that is hurting customers’ perception of them.

The pandemic has also changed a lot of what customers are looking for when they work with various businesses. Companies that are still using their old marketing plans may not see the results they expect. Instead, they may find that customers are interested in new ways to interact. If there are competitors who have made this their focus, it is easy for other companies to get left behind. But agile marketing can help any company be more adaptable when customers require something different from their experience.

A Customer-First Framework is What Companies Need

When Krishen Iyer works with a company through MAIS Consulting, he considers how customers fit into the framework of that company’s development. For companies that are lacking in new customers, or struggling to keep the ones they have, the problem is often the way they are marketing. They are using the same tactics they have always used, even though what customers are looking for has changed over time. When businesses realize this, they are often more open to making adjustments to marketing plans.

Customers absolutely must come first if a business is to succeed, says Krishen Iyer. The entire goal of the business is to be successful, and being successful requires customers to have a frequent and sustained interest in what that company is offering. By moving toward more agile marketing, and giving employees the power to use creative thinking to help customers, companies can keep those customers happier for a longer period of time. It is not possible to please everyone, but possible to please most people.

The Right Agile Marketing Strategy Makes All the Difference

Having the right strategy for agile marketing is a requirement for companies that want to continue to evolve. These companies need to show their customers that they care about them. That requires listening to what customers want, but it is also necessary to make sure potential future customers are being heard, as well. As generations of customers cycle through a business, they will not all want or need the same kinds of experiences. Agile marketing is one of the best ways to adapt to this, says Krishen Iyer.

More marketing is not necessarily the answer. It is better marketing that companies need. If something is not working for them, they need to be willing to admit that and consider additional options and opportunities to market to more customers. Some companies simply have a smaller customer base, due to the products or services they offer. These companies in particular need to be more careful with their marketing efforts since they have a lower margin of error.

Krishen Iyer remains very focused on how to show companies the value of agile marketing and discusses the nature of that marketing with them. It is understandable that companies may be concerned with making big changes to their marketing plan. But with the right support, they can quickly find that their fears are unfounded. They can take their marketing up to the next level, allowing themselves to work as a team with their customers more easily, for higher levels of loyalty and success.

According to Krishen Iyer, agile marketing is among the best opportunities for companies that want to increase their value to customers. That, in turn, increases the strength and security of their customer base. With more people interested in what the company has to offer, and customers feeling heard based on proper marketing, a company can continue to grow.

While agile marketing is not a fully new concept, it is one that most companies have not adapted as thoroughly as they need to, in order to see the biggest benefits from this change. Krishen Iyer and MAIS Consulting understand the value of this kind of marketing and can help companies understand how it can provide increased support to all kinds of companies in many industries.

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