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How Important is Emotional Intelligence to Students

How Important is Emotional Intelligence to Students

The importance of intelligence is something many people know firsthand. The higher the IQ, the more intelligent a person is. But only some people know what emotional intelligence is. This is another indicator that should be trained from school years. Today, there is a tendency to teach students to deal with emotional intelligence in specific situations.

Remember to consider this stage of self-development and learning. Emotional Intelligence can help in different spheres of life. It also can help you perceive topics and new knowledge and write my essay better.

The concept of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive one’s feelings and those of others, understand them, and thus be able to influence and use them.

With a deeper understanding of your inner world and knowledge of your personality parts, you will be able to deal more confidently with the complex world of emotions, reactions, and interactions with others.

Unlike classical intelligence, the core skills of emotional intelligence – inner mindfulness, leadership, and good relationship management through empathy – can be consciously learned and developed.

Suppose you learn to become more aware of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors and handle them more consciously. In that case, you will be better able to control yourself in personal challenging situations and your relationships with others – whether in your daily life, during your studies, or in your future job.

As early as 1920, Edward Lee Thorndike and David Wexler worked on this idea of intelligence under “social intelligence.” In 1990, psychologists John Mayer and Peter Salovey introduced the term “emotional intelligence.” They categorized emotional intelligence into four competencies.

  • emotion-perceive
  • emotion understand
  • influence emotions
  • Use emoticons

Different situations trigger emotions. Therefore, feelings also need to be interpreted correctly about a particular case. Assessing whether you or others have triggered another person’s emotions is also part of emotional intelligence.

How emotional intelligence affects students’ education

Emotional intelligence plays a vital role in all areas of life. As already mentioned, the importance of emotional intelligence is evident not only in everyday life but also in learning. According to studies, it has been found that students depend on their emotional state during decision-making. For example, a bad grade or laughter from other students during a report can affect the desire to learn and further develop.

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, understand, influence, and utilize one’s feelings and the feelings of others. It is a skill that cannot be born but must be acquired. Since there have been many studies proving how vulnerable students’ emotional sphere is and can play a decisive role in the decisions made, students should be taught to manage their emotions and perception of events.

Skills that define emotional intelligence

All people, without exception, can show emotions, but not everyone can control them and recognize them correctly. Today, five EI skills can be developed to improve the quality of life and productivity in different areas.


The following characteristics can be attributed to self-perception:

  • Correct assessment of one’s personality, weaknesses, and strengths
  • Recognizing and understanding one’s feelings, needs, and desired goals.

This core competency is essential, especially in a society that is constantly changing rapidly and forces us to follow new trends to always remain attractive in the job market. When you understand yourself better, you can react more confidently to different situations and work on personal weaknesses. This applies to both private and professional spheres.


Self-regulation or self-management includes the following skills:

  • Controlling one’s own emotions
  • Constructive action on negative emotions.

All people experience the same negative and positive emotions. However, it is essential to control negative feelings such as anger. If you know each other well, you also learn how to relax again and what calms you down.

Unfortunately, unhealthy stress can hardly be avoided in everyday working life. This is why it is especially recommended to recognize negative energy in the team in advance and get rid of it through open discussions to ensure harmonious cooperation again.


Self-motivation is necessary to achieve goals, both personal and professional. The following characteristics can be attributed to self-motivation:

  • The ability to motivate oneself.
  • The ability to recover from adverse events.

Good managers can often create enough incentives for employees to increase their motivation and participation in new projects. Only motivated people can ensure a good work environment is maintained. This also applies to the training area of the business. Self-motivation for development plays a vital role in achieving a goal.


An empathic person has the following characteristics:

  • They are good at empathizing with other people;
  • They can understand other people’s points of view and feelings.

In all circles of friends, there is that person with whom you can talk about anything because they understand the human world well. How often have you wished your coworkers were like that? And would they empathize with you when they take their bad moods out on you or treat you inappropriately on a bad day? Such competence ensures a harmonious work environment.

Social skills

You know that humans are social creatures, and you also know how meaningful relationships are in life. So, you can well imagine why this competency is critical. It includes the following functions:

In every circle of friends, there is that person who serves as a peacemaker and who everyone loves. Such people have positive charisma. Other people sense it and would like to catch on. Every team always needs someone like that.

Emotions can not only be influenced; they can also be used. By understanding your feelings, you can determine how best to help someone in a particular situation and what to consider when communicating with others to get along well. Emotions can also be used to achieve other goals, such as achieving academic goals or resolving conflict situations. The importance of finding solutions in difficult situations is limitless. Both students and workers face different events during team interactions. Reactions and perceptions play an important role in developing a person’s personality and future.

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