Damage Awards A Yakima Brain Injury Attorney Can Win For You

Traumatic Brain Injuries
Although a significant share of brain injuries happen to people involved in roadway accidents, there are other causes of traumatic brain injuries. A brain injury may not make itself known for a few days or weeks after an accident.
It makes no difference if your brain injury is mild, moderate, or severe; it is still a serious diagnosis that requires medical attention and treatment. Often, there are unique complications attached to a traumatic brain injury. Every brain injury case carries a mound of unexpected expenses.
A sudden and vicious blow to your head may result in a traumatic brain injury that can mean significant lifestyle changes for you. The following are the common ways a traumatic brain injury happens.
- Slip and fall accidents
- Falls
- Vehicle accidents
- Violence
- Sports injuries
- Military action
- Explosions
There are classes of individuals that are reported to be at a higher risk of traumatic brain injury than others, such as newborn babies and toddlers to the age of four years. Young adults from age 15 – 24, seniors over the age of 60 years, and males in any group show a high incidence of traumatic brain injuries.
An award for damages depends on if the injuries are short-term, prolonged, or permanent, causing changes in your awareness, responsiveness, or consciousness? Brain injuries could cause you to become comatose, in a negative state, in a semi-conscious state, or brain dead.
Your compensation claim depends on your physical complications lasting a few weeks, months, or forever. Complications can include a few of the following.
- Seizures
- Hydrocephalus or fluid buildup in your brain
- Infections stemming from a brain injury that affects the brain, meninges, nervous system, spine
- Damage to blood vessels with complications from blood clots in the brain, stroke, and other serious issues
- Headaches lasting for a few weeks, months, or forever
- Vertigo or dizziness
Traumatic Brain Injuries/Base of Skull
Damage is typical for these types of injuries, and depending on the damage depends on your award. This injury can cause the following.
- Loss of or alteration of your sense of taste or smell
- Loss of vision
- Double vision
- Loss of facial sensation
- Facial muscle paralysis
- Dizziness
- Swallowing deficit
- Tennis
- Deafness
A Traumatic Brain Injury is Life-Changing
A traumatic brain injury can interfere with the skills you once knew. This injury can interfere with your thinking process and your ability to focus. These complications may prevent you from ever working again. Your lifetime wages at the job you once knew must be calculated into your possible award. We can calculate this for you.
If you suffered a traumatic brain injury from someone or a company was negligent in their actions, you may not be able to return to work because you have a memory deficit. Perhaps your injury inhibits your ability to learn and reason. Your judgment on so many things is off, as is your concentration on doing the job, and you lack the attention needed to get the job done correctly at the time needed.
Quality of Life Decreases
Your award depends on whether you lose your problem-solving abilities. You can no longer focus, much less multitask. Your organizational skills are gone, as is your ability to plan your day, make decisions, or complete the simplest tasks at home or in the workplace. Your award must be enough to help you live your life to the highest degree possible, in the best possible way.
Traumatic brain injuries often times interfere with the ability to communicate appropriately. If you cannot communicate properly, this may ruin friendships and companionships. You can no longer understand speech or print. You cannot speak or write correctly. And you cannot follow directives that are important in private life and the workplace.
Traumatic brain injuries affect people differently. You may find it challenging to do something, and the other person with the same injury may not find it difficult. Our attorney will calculate these difficulties and if they are short-term or permanent. Your attorney will review your medical history and speak to your doctors and all entities involved in your accident.
It makes a significant difference if you can behave in a manner acceptable to the workplace, such as loss of self-control, difficulty in crowds or social events and situations, and if you have uncontrolled physical or verbal outbursts that are inappropriate in the workplace. There are a slew of emotional changes that accompany traumatic brain injuries that you cannot control and that can interfere with your life, such as angry outbursts and mood swings.
All of these complications from your traumatic brain injury caused by a negligent person’s action must be calculated into your award. To calculate the appropriate award, we must look at the effects and the recovery period as your doctors estimate this time. Every victim is different.
Your award depends on your type of injury, the location, and the severity of the injury. Your attorneys must look at and examine the following to calculate your award.
- Physical effects
- Cognitive abilities
- Emotional state
- Behavioral effects
- Memory deficits
- Rehabilitation prognosis (short or long-term) until you reach your highest functioning capability or quality of life
Award Depends on Your Attorney’s Investigation of Facts
If you suffer from a TBI or traumatic brain injury due to someone’s negligent actions, please allow the Yakima brain injury attorneys in Washington State to look at the facts of your case as soon as possible.
You may be entitled to significant compensation for your losses. Everyone’s losses are different, and no case is the same. We understand the hurt and pain you and your family are going through, and we know that no amount of money can compensate for this injury.
However, you and your family should not experience financial loss due to someone else’s negligent actions. Let us take up this battle that we know how to fight, for you with insurance companies, defendants, and attorneys. Your award can pay for the unexpected expenses this person caused you and your family, including loss of income.