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Best Ways to Sell ThriftBooks

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ThriftBooks is an online retailer that specializes in selling used books at discounted prices. They offer a wide selection of books, including fiction, non-fiction, textbooks, and children’s books. ThriftBooks sources its inventory from various places, such as libraries, bookstores, and donations. They have a network of warehouses across the United States, which allows them to offer low prices and fast shipping to customers.

Customers can browse through ThriftBooks‘ website and search for specific titles, authors, or genres. Each book listing includes details about the condition of the book, such as whether it is in “like new” or “acceptable” condition, and the price is adjusted accordingly. ThriftBooks also provides customer reviews and ratings for many of their books, helping customers make informed decisions about their purchases.

Selling thrift store books can be a lucrative business if done correctly. Here are the ten best ways to sell thrift store books:

1. Online marketplaces: The most popular online marketplaces to sell thrift books are Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. These platforms allow you to reach a broad audience, and you can sell your books at competitive prices.

2. Social media: You can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your thrift books. Create a page or profile for your business and post pictures of your books, their prices, and any promotions or discounts you are offering.

3. Book fairs: Book fairs are a great way to sell thrift books, especially if you have rare or valuable books. You can rent a booth and display your books, meet potential buyers, and network with other sellers.

4. Local libraries: Your local libraries may be interested in purchasing some of your thrift books to add to their collections. Reach out to the library staff to see if they are interested in buying your books.

5. Garage sales: You can hold a garage sale to sell your thrift books. Advertise your sale in your neighborhood and price your books to sell.

6. Used bookstores: You can sell your thrift books to used bookstores in your area. Contact them to see if they are interested in buying your books.

7. Book swapping websites: Websites like BookMooch and Paperback Swap allow you to trade your books with other book lovers. You can earn points by sending books to other users and use those points to request books from other users.

8. Online book clubs: Join online book clubs or discussion groups and promote your thrift books there. You can offer a discount to members of the group, and you may attract some interested buyers.

9. Craigslist: You can use Craigslist to advertise your thrift books to people in your local area. Be sure to include pictures of the books and their prices in your ad.

10. Word of mouth: Finally, don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth. Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about your thrift books, and they may be interested in purchasing some from you.

By utilizing these ten ways to sell thrift books, you can maximize your profits and reach a broader audience.

Online marketplaces

 The most popular online marketplaces to sell thrift books are Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. These platforms allow you to reach a broad audience, and you can sell your books at competitive prices.
Online marketplaces have revolutionized the way we buy and sell products. Amazon, eBay, and Etsy are some of the most popular online marketplaces for selling thrift books. These platforms offer a convenient way for people to purchase used books from the comfort of their homes. Here are some benefits of selling thrift books on online marketplaces:

Reach a broad audience: Online marketplaces have a vast user base, which means you have access to a broader audience.  You can reach potential buyers from all over the world, increasing your chances of making a sale.

Competitive prices: Online marketplaces are highly competitive, which means you have to price your books competitively. However, this can work to your advantage, as buyers are always looking for the best deal. By pricing your books competitively, you can attract more buyers and make more sales.

Convenient for buyers: online marketplaces offer a convenient way for buyers to purchase thrift books. They can browse through a large selection of books, read reviews from other buyers, and purchase the book with just a few clicks.


Easy to set up: Setting up an account on online marketplaces is easy and straightforward. You can create a seller account, list your books, and start selling within minutes. Some marketplaces even offer tools and resources to help you optimize your listings and increase your sales.

Payment processing: Online marketplaces handle payment processing, which means you don’t have to worry about handling payments yourself. This can save you time and hassle, and it also provides a secure way for buyers to make payments.

Shipping options: Online marketplaces offer various shipping options, including free shipping, which can attract more buyers. You can choose to ship your books yourself or use the marketplace’s fulfillment service, which can handle shipping and customer service on your behalf.

Reviews and feedback: Online marketplaces allow buyers to leave reviews and feedback on your products. This can help build your reputation as a seller and attract more buyers. Positive reviews can also increase your sales and help you rank higher in search results.

However, there are also some challenges when selling on online marketplaces. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Competition: As mentioned earlier, online marketplaces are highly competitive. You need to price your books competitively and offer excellent customer service to stand out from other sellers.

Fees: Online marketplaces charge fees for using their platform, including listing fees, transaction fees, and fulfillment fees. Be sure to factor in these costs when pricing your books.

Seller metrics: Online marketplaces use seller metrics to evaluate your performance as a seller. These metrics include things like shipping time, customer service, and order defect rate. Failing to meet these metrics can result in account suspension or lower visibility in search results.

In conclusion, online marketplaces offer a convenient and effective way to sell thrift books. By leveraging these platforms, you can reach a broad audience, offer competitive prices, and provide a seamless buying experience for your customers. However, it’s essential to keep in mind the challenges of selling on online marketplaces and work to optimize your listings and customer service to stand out from the competition.

Social media

You can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your thrift books. Create a page or profile for your business and post pictures of your books, their prices, and any promotions or discounts you are offering.
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become powerful tools for promoting businesses and connecting with customers. If you’re looking to sell thrift books, creating a social media presence can be an effective way to reach potential buyers and generate interest in your products. Here are some benefits of using social media to sell thrift books:

Reach a targeted audience: Social media platforms allow you to reach a highly targeted audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. By using relevant hashtags, keywords, and targeting features, you can ensure that your posts are seen by people who are interested in buying thrift books.

Visual appeal: Thrift books can be highly visually appealing, and social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are great for showcasing them. By posting high-quality pictures of your books, you can capture the attention of potential buyers and generate interest in your products.

Low cost: Creating a social media presence is generally free, which means you can promote your thrift books without incurring any significant costs. You can also run paid advertising campaigns on social media platforms, which can be highly targeted and cost-effective.

Personal connection: Social media allows you to connect with potential buyers on a more personal level. By engaging with your followers, responding to comments and messages, and sharing your passion for books, you can build trust and loyalty with your audience.

Promotions and discounts: social media is a great platform for promoting promotions and discounts on your thrift books. You can offer exclusive deals to your followers, promote limited-time sales, or offer special discounts for first-time buyers.

However, there are also some challenges when using social media to sell thrift books. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Competition: Social media is a highly competitive space, and it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. You need to create compelling content and engage with your audience consistently to build a loyal following.

Time-consuming: Managing a social media presence can be time-consuming, and it’s important to be strategic about how you spend your time. You need to balance creating content, engaging with followers, and managing your inventory and sales.

Algorithms: Social media platforms use algorithms to determine which posts are shown to users. This means that not all of your posts will be seen by your followers, and it can be challenging to get your content in front of the right people.

In conclusion, social media can be an effective way to sell thrift books and build a loyal following of customers. By creating a social media presence, you can reach a targeted audience, showcase your products, and build personal connections with your followers. However, it’s essential to be strategic about how you use social media and balance your time and resources to get the most out of these platforms.

Book fairs

Book fairs are a great way to sell thrift books, especially if you have rare or valuable books. You can rent a booth and display your books, meet potential buyers, and network with other sellers.
Book fairs have long been a staple of the bookselling industry, and they offer a unique opportunity for thrift book sellers to connect with potential buyers, showcase their products, and network with other sellers. Here are some benefits of selling thrift books at book fairs:

Face-to-face interaction: Book fairs offer an opportunity for face-to-face interaction with potential buyers. This can be invaluable for building relationships with customers and establishing your reputation as a seller.

Display your products: At a book fair, you can display your thrift books in a way that highlights their unique qualities and attracts potential buyers. This can help your books stand out from the competition and increase your sales.

Networking: Book fairs are a great opportunity to connect with other sellers, publishers, and industry professionals. You can learn about new trends and developments in the industry, exchange tips and advice with other sellers, and potentially form partnerships or collaborations.

Rare and valuable books: If you have rare or valuable thrift books, book fairs can be a particularly effective way to sell them. You can attract serious buyers who are looking for specific titles or editions and may be willing to pay a premium price.


Targeted audience: Book fairs attract a targeted audience of book lovers and collectors, which means you can reach a highly engaged and interested audience with your thrift books.

However, there are also some challenges when selling thrift books at book fairs. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Cost: Renting a booth at a book fair can be expensive, and you need to factor in the cost of transportation, lodging, and other expenses. You may also need to pay a commission fee to the organizers of the fair.

Competition: Book fairs can be highly competitive, with many sellers vying for the attention of potential buyers. You need to create an eye-catching display and price your books competitively to stand out from the crowd.

Weather: Outdoor book fairs can be affected by weather conditions, which can impact attendance and sales. It’s important to have a plan in place for inclement weather and to ensure that your books are protected from the elements.

In conclusion, book fairs can be a great way to sell thrift books, especially if you have rare or valuable titles. They offer an opportunity for face-to-face interaction with potential buyers, a targeted audience of book lovers and collectors, and a chance to network with other sellers and industry professionals. However, you need to be prepared for the costs and competition involved and have a solid plan in place for displaying and protecting your books. If done well, selling at book fairs can be a highly effective way to boost your sales and establish your reputation as a thrift book seller.

Local libraries

Your local libraries may be interested in purchasing some of your thrift books to add to their collections. Reach out to the library staff to see if they are interested in buying your books.
Local libraries can be a great resource for selling thrift books, especially if you have a large collection or books that are in demand. Libraries are always looking to add new titles to their collections and may be interested in purchasing your books. Here are some benefits of selling thrift books to local libraries:

Access to a large audience: Libraries have a large and diverse audience of readers who are always on the lookout for new books to read. By selling your thrift books to libraries, you can reach a wider audience and increase your sales.

Established relationships: Many libraries have established relationships with local thrift book sellers and may be more likely to buy from you if they know and trust you.

Opportunities for repeat sales: If the library is satisfied with the quality of your books and the service you provide, they may become regular customers and buy from you again in the future.

Support for the community: Selling thrift books to local libraries is a great way to support your community and promote literacy. By providing access to affordable books, you can help promote a love of reading and learning in your community.


However, there are also some challenges when selling thrift books to local libraries. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Selection criteria: Libraries have specific selection criteria when it comes to adding new books to their collections. Your books will need to meet certain standards for quality, relevance, and interest to be considered.

Pricing: Libraries typically have limited budgets for purchasing new books, so you will need to price your books competitively to be considered.

Negotiation: Libraries may want to negotiate the price of your books, so it’s important to be prepared to discuss pricing and be willing to compromise if necessary.

Logistics: You will need to arrange for delivery or pickup of your books, which can be time-consuming and require coordination with library staff.

In conclusion, selling thrift books to local libraries can be a great way to reach a wider audience and support your community.

However, it’s important to be prepared for the specific selection criteria and pricing requirements of libraries and to be willing to negotiate and coordinate logistics with library staff. With the right approach, selling thrift books to local libraries can be a rewarding and profitable way to sell your books.

Garage sales

You can hold a garage sale to sell your thrift books. Advertise your sale in your neighborhood and price your books to sell.
Garage sales are a popular way to sell thrift books and can be an effective way to clear out your bookshelves and make some extra money. Here are some tips for holding a successful garage sale to sell your thrift books:

Advertise your sale: Use social media, neighborhood bulletin boards, and local classified ads to promote your garage sale. Be sure to include the date, time, and location of your sale, as well as a description of the types of books you will be selling.

Price your books to sell: Garage sales are all about getting rid of items, so it’s important to price your books competitively. Consider bundling books together or offering discounts for bulk purchases to encourage buyers to take more books off your hands.

Display your books effectively: Arrange your books in an organized and attractive way to make them easy for buyers to browse. Consider grouping books by author, genre, or price to make it easier for buyers to find what they’re looking for.

Be willing to negotiate: garage sale buyers expect to haggle, so be prepared to negotiate on price. If a buyer is interested in several books, consider offering a discount to seal the deal.

Stay safe: Make sure to follow safety precautions when holding your garage sale. Keep your cash box in a secure location and be cautious when interacting with strangers.

Overall, holding a garage sale can be a fun and profitable way to sell your thrift books. By advertising your sale effectively, pricing your books to sell, and displaying your books attractively, you can attract buyers and clear out your bookshelves at the same time.

Used bookstores: You can sell your thrift books to used bookstores in your area. Contact them to see if they are interested in buying your books.
Used bookstores are a great resource for selling thrift books. They are always on the lookout for new inventory and may be interested in buying your books. Here are some benefits of selling thrift books to used bookstores:

Quick and easy sales: Used bookstores are always looking for new inventory, so you can often sell your books quickly and easily. This can be especially convenient if you have a large collection of books to sell.

Established relationships: If you have sold books to a used bookstore before, they may already know and trust you as a seller. This can make future sales easier and more profitable.

Access to expertise: Used bookstores often have knowledgeable staff who can assess the value of your books and offer fair prices.

Opportunities for trade-ins: If the used bookstore is not interested in purchasing your books outright, they may offer to trade them for store credit. This can be a great way to get new books to read while getting rid of books you no longer need.

However, there are also some challenges when selling thrift books to used bookstores. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Selection criteria: Used bookstores have specific selection criteria when it comes to buying books. Your books will need to meet certain standards for quality, relevance, and interest to be considered.

Pricing: Used bookstores will typically offer lower prices for your books than you would get if you sold them directly to buyers. This is because they need to make a profit by reselling the books.

Negotiation: Used bookstores may want to negotiate the price of your books, so it’s important to be prepared to discuss pricing and be willing to compromise if necessary.

Logistics: You will need to arrange for delivery or pickup of your books, which can be time-consuming and require coordination with bookstore staff.

In conclusion, selling thrift books to used bookstores can be a great way to get rid of unwanted books and make some extra money. However, it’s important to be prepared for the specific selection criteria and pricing requirements of used bookstores and to be willing to negotiate and coordinate logistics with bookstore staff. With the right approach, selling to used bookstores can be a convenient and profitable way to sell your thrift books.

Book swapping websites

Websites like BookMooch and Paperback Swap allow you to trade your books with other book lovers. You can earn points by sending books to other users and use those points to request books from other users.
Book swapping websites provide an alternative way to sell your thrift books by trading them with other book lovers. Here are some benefits of using book swap websites:

Cost-effective: Book swapping websites are typically free to use, and you can trade your books with other users without spending any money.

Large user base: Book swapping websites have a large user base, which means you have access to a wide variety of books to trade. This can be especially useful if you are looking for specific titles or genres.

Environmental benefits: By trading your books instead of buying new ones, you are reducing your environmental footprint and promoting sustainability.

Social aspect: Book swapping websites can also provide a social aspect, as you can connect with other book lovers and discuss your favorite titles and authors.

However, there are also some challenges when using book swapping websites. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Availability of desired titles: While book swapping websites offer access to a wide variety of books, there may not be a large number of copies of the specific titles you are interested in.

Shipping costs: You will need to pay for shipping when sending your books to other users, which can be a deterrent for some sellers.

Condition requirements: Book swapping websites typically have strict condition requirements for books, which means you may not be able to trade books that are in poor condition.

Time commitment: Trading books through book swapping websites can take time, as you need to wait for other users to request your books and for their books to arrive.

In conclusion, book swapping websites can be a great way to sell your thrift books while also promoting sustainability and connecting with other book lovers. However, it’s important to keep in mind the availability of desired titles, shipping costs, condition requirements, and time commitment involved in trading books through these websites.

Online book clubs

Join online book clubs or discussion groups and promote your thrift books there. You can offer a discount to members of the group, and you may attract some interested buyers.
Joining online book clubs or discussion groups can be a great way to promote and sell your thrift books. Here are some benefits of using online book clubs:

Targeted audience: By joining book clubs or discussion groups, you are connecting with a group of readers who are interested in the same genres and topics as your books. This means that you are more likely to find interested buyers who will appreciate your books.

Promotion opportunities: Many book clubs and discussion groups allow members to promote their books, so you can take advantage of these opportunities to showcase your thrift books and offer special deals or discounts.

Networking: Joining online book clubs or discussion groups can also provide networking opportunities, as you can connect with other authors, book lovers, and industry professionals. This can lead to new opportunities and collaborations in the future.


However, there are also some challenges when using online book clubs to sell your thrift books. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Group rules: Book clubs and discussion groups may have specific rules and guidelines regarding self-promotion, so make sure to read and follow these rules carefully.

Competition: Other authors and sellers may also be promoting their books in the same groups, so it’s important to find ways to stand out and make your books more appealing to potential buyers.

Time commitment: Engaging with online book clubs and discussion groups can be time-consuming, so you need to be prepared to dedicate the necessary time and effort to building relationships and promoting your books.

In conclusion, online book clubs and discussion groups can be a valuable tool for selling your thrift books and connecting with a targeted audience of book lovers. However, it’s important to keep in mind the rules and guidelines of each group, the competition from other sellers, and the time commitment involved in engaging with these communities.


 You can use Craigslist to advertise your thrift books to people in your local area. Be sure to include pictures of the books and their prices in your ad.
Craigslist can be an effective platform for selling your thrift store books to people in your local area. Here are some tips on how to use Craigslist effectively:

Write an effective ad: Be sure to write a clear and concise ad that includes relevant information about your books, such as the title, author, condition, and price. Use descriptive language to make your books stand out and include high-quality photos to showcase them.

Choose the right category: Craigslist has a variety of categories for buying and selling, so be sure to choose the one that is most relevant to your books. For example, you may want to list your books under the “Books” or “Collectibles” categories.

Set a fair price. Do some research to determine a fair price for your books, taking into account their condition, rarity, and demand. Consider offering discounts for buying multiple books or for repeat customers.

Meet in a safe location: When arranging to meet with potential buyers, be sure to choose a safe and public location, such as a coffee shop or bookstore. Never give out your personal information or meet in a private location.

Be responsive and professional. Respond to inquiries in a timely manner and be professional and courteous in your interactions with potential buyers. This will help you build a positive reputation and increase the likelihood of making a sale.

In conclusion, Craigslist can be a useful platform for selling your thrift store books to people in your local area. By writing an effective ad, choosing the right category, setting a fair price, meeting in a safe location, and being responsive and professional, you can increase your chances of making a sale and building a positive reputation as a seller.

Word of mouth

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth. Tell your friends, family, and colleagues about your thrift books, and they may be interested in purchasing some from you.
Word of mouth can be a powerful tool for promoting your thrift books. Here are some tips on how to use it effectively:

Talk to friends and family: Start by telling your friends and family about your thrift books. They may be interested in purchasing some from you, or they may know someone who would be interested.

Attend local events: Attend local events, such as book fairs, flea markets, and community events, and bring some of your thrift books with you. Strike up conversations with people and tell them about your books.

Offer incentives: Encourage people to spread the word about your thrift books by offering incentives, such as discounts or free books for referrals.

Use social media: Share pictures of your thrift books on social media and encourage your followers to share them with their own networks.

Ask for reviews: Ask your customers to leave reviews of your thrift books on online marketplaces or social media platforms. Positive reviews can help attract new customers and build your reputation as a seller.

In conclusion, word of mouth can be a powerful tool for promoting your thrift books. By talking to friends and family, attending events, offering incentives, using social media, and asking for reviews, you can increase your chances of reaching a broader audience and making more sales.

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