Food & Beverage
Best Beer Brands in Europe

We love European beer for its consistency, its drink ability and the fact that it is made by hand. We also love European beer because it has a rich, complex flavor profile that is unique to Europe’s beers. Here’s a roundup of the best beer brands in Europe.
10. BrewDog
Brewdog is the UK’s most famous craft brewery. It was started in 2007 by James Watt and Martin Dickie, who wanted to make “the best beer on Earth.” BrewDog has two production facilities — one in Aberdeenshire and another in Ellon, Scotland. The company also operates bars that serve its beers as well as several restaurants across the globe.
9. Nøgne Ø Brewing Company
Nøgne Ø has been brewing since 2008 and is a pioneer of Norwegian craft brewing going back to the 19th century when there were no breweries or malting houses in Norway at all but instead had to import their beer from abroad which greatly influenced their culture over these few hundred years until today they have become so influential that even brewers like Mikkeller come here for inspiration. They believe strongly in being environmentally conscious so much that they are based just outside Bergen with lots of nature around them – an ideal location for growing hops. Their beers are available throughout Norway (including London), Sweden, Denmark and Germany with plans underway for distribution into Italy soon too.
8. Brew by Numbers
Brew By Numbers is a relatively new brewery making its mark in the world of craft beer, but already it’s fast becoming one of the most successful and forward thinking breweries on the planet. Their award-winning beers are quickly gaining national acclaim for their experimentation with hops – offering something different to any other UK brewer yet still maintaining an incredible quality. The brewing process has been designed not only to produce a great tasting drink but also to be as environmentally friendly as possible (even using windmills to create electricity). In fact Brew By Numbers have set themselves apart from other brewers by actually producing more power than they use. They have also worked hard at keeping waste down which means that none of their brews end up wasted, instead being used in their own bars or for charitable causes around the world.
7. Mikkeller
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø, a Dane born in Copenhagen in 1978, is best known as the founder of Mikkeller – which translates from Danish as “little devil” but has come to be widely accepted by English speakers simply as “Mikkeller”. He started brewing back in 2008 and quickly became an icon of craft beer across Europe; he remains one of the most influential brewers today. As well as being based just outside Bergen (let’s hope they’re not thinking about moving soon) his range now includes many different beers ranging from IPAs to stouts with over 50 styles on offer at any time.
6. Siren Craft Brew
Siren started brewing in 2008 and is based just outside Brighton in Sussex, England. Their beers are rapidly becoming popular all over the country with their range of German-style lagers, pale ales and IPAs being particularly appealing to those who like a bit more hops than other brewers offer.
5. Bierbrouwerij De Molen
De Molen is a Dutch brewery based just outside of Rotterdam, Netherlands – the largest port in Europe and one that has been trading for over 300 years. The company was started by Jan van den Broek in 1892 who set up with his wife to produce lagers because he recognised growing demand for these beers as people became more health conscious; they were also brewing beer before most other European breweries even existed! De Molen now brews over 50 different types of beer which are available throughout the Benelux region (Belgium & The Netherlands) as well as parts of Germany, Switzerland and France.
4. The Bruery
The Bruery is a craft brewery founded in 2008 by Patrick Rue but now run by his son, Justin. Their beers tend to be more experimental and the company has a reputation for being one of the most environmentally conscious breweries around; they use only local grains so their waste is minimal and even recycle all the water they use in their brewing process. They’re also constantly looking for new ways to improve their beers – so far experimenting with a range of unusual ingredients that have included coffee, chili peppers, chocolate and even soybeans! Their beers can now be found across the US as well as Europe, parts of Canada and the UK.
3. Brew by Numbers (Belgium)
Brew by Numbers is a Belgian craft brewery based in Uccle, near Brussels, Belgium which produces their beers from scratch using natural ingredients – all of their beers are gluten free! It’s relatively new but it only took them a few years to become one of Belgium’s most popular craft brewers – including producing the first beer in their country made from 100% Belgian barley! They have an emphasis on local ingredients and collaborate with organic farms.
2. Piraat
Piraat is a relatively new brewery based in the Belgian town of Brugge, and these days it’s difficult to think of Belgium without thinking of them as one of Europe’s best known craft brewers – but although they produce beer at an industrial scale there are still only around 30 of them in the whole country! Piraat was founded by Jean-Claude Van Roy (who is also a brewer at De Troch) and they produce beers that are more experimental than other Belgian brewers.
1. Brouwerij Verhaeghe De Nachtegaal
Verhaeghe was founded in 1856 by a Belgian brewer called Auguste Verhaegen who used to brew for the monks at his local monastery before expanding into other beers and becoming one of Belgium’s most well known breweries. The company is now owned by the 3rd generation of his family and operates a modern brewery in Mol, Belgium as well as several other sites across Europe including Italy and Spain. Their range has expanded from simply pilsners to include every type of beer you could imagine and they have an excellent reputation for quality.
That concludes our roundup of the best beer brands in Europe. Remember to drink with care, treat the planet well and enjoy responsibly.