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5 Useful Link Building Tips You Need to Take Today!

Let us guess, one of your pending business goals is to build your website authority to rank higher, isn’t it? We get it – what is the point of having an online store if Google doesn’t display it on the first or even second page? Getting new customers and growing more revenue is extremely hard in such a situation.
More Authoritative Website = More Customers
To build this authority, you need to create valuable content that both people surfing the net and Google robots like. Sadly, it doesn’t end here. Obviously, writing value-adding articles and blog posts may not be that difficult, especially if you have a thing for writing or simply if you work with an experienced copywriter. However, making these texts go viral and spread the word about your brand is often challenging, sometimes even onerous.
That is exactly why you need to make use of link building.
Passive & Active Link Building
You can use link building to increase your website ranking in two ways. For example, you may take the passive road, which requires you to just create this amazing content – videos, infographics, blog posts – that everyone talks about and shares. That’s a bit risky one.
However, working on link building actively bears more fruit, no doubt. Naturally, it takes up time, energy and strong determination. But once you prepare the top-notch link building plan, it will pay off. Here are five pieces of advice concerning active link building you can may easily implement today.
5 Useful Link Building Tips
Effective link building strategy requires taking up thought-out actions. Combining a few of the following tips will help you on your way.
Link Building Tip No 1 | Make use of link building tools
Being equipped with top link building tools fast-tracks your way to getting the backlinks you want. Checking the data available in tools like Common Backlinks Tool, Linkody or Semrush will help you find trusted websites and manage potential sources of links. If you spend some time with these tools, you may find a real gem or two that add more credibility to your website.
Link Building Tip No 2 | Find the influencers that work in your niche
The most important thing to consider, which many business owners don’t know, is that contacting any influencer just because it has a big number of followers isn’t the best tactic to adopt. Choose only those influencers who are relevant to your niche. There is no point in getting a blogger who writes about hair care to collaborate with a brand selling repair tools for bikes.
Link Building Tip No 3 | Create studies & surveys
Quality data and analytics is what businesses love. If the results of your research are legit, you may be pretty sure other brands will refer to your findings, leaving your link on their websites. You may get even more publicity if you manage to present your work in nice-looking graphs and infographics. If you’re lucky, you may be even featured in an e-book or how-to guides prepared by other brands.
Link Building Tip No 4 | Support charities
This one may come as a surprise to you. Indeed, supporting charities isn’t a popular way of winning more backlinks. Since there are not many brands that consider helping charities, you should definitely take advantage of it. How does it work? Simply reach out to charities and ask what you may do for them. The donee will tell the world that you helped them, spreading the word about your brand, leaving the backlink you need.
Link Building Tip No 5 | Work with a link building SEO company
In case you don’t have much time on your hands to squeeze the link building activities into your busy schedule, get in touch with a link building SEO company. Such agencies have a whole team of specialists designed to develop a unique link building strategy, suiting your brand and niche. Cooperating with a reputable link building SEO company significantly accelerates achieving your goal, which is giving more credibility to your website and winning more converting customers.