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Tips For Helping Your Teen Plan Their Future

Teen Plan

For many teens they are in the final year or two of school and starting to consider what to do with their future, going forward. This is a pivotal time in their lives and as such you are going to want to be there for them as much as you can. There are so many options for them to choose from that it can become a bit overwhelming and also difficult not to be influenced by their peers at such a pivotal moment in their life. If you have a teen who is currently in the process of trying to decide what they want in the years to come, you aren’t alone. That is why we have put together some top tips that should help you both out.

Talk about the different universities they can go to

There are many universities out there that specialize in different subjects and have reasons for it being the one you should choose. Talk to your teen about the benefits, the distance, and the different costs involved. You can look into student loan requirements and also things such as the grades they would need in order to get onto the course of their choice. Being informed can really help them make up their mind about where to go.

Discuss apprenticeships

If your teen doesn’t fancy university, then you can discuss alternatives such as apprenticeships. These are a great idea as they give the person involved the chance to get a qualification as well as get paid on the job. Apprenticeships can be a good introduction to a job if someone isn’t sure if it’s what they want to do, or if they want to get straight into the industry and work right away. There are many apprenticeships available in a host of fields, from bakeries and construction sites, to marketing and social media.

Encourage them to take their time and not be afraid to change their mind

 Deciding what to do once you leave school is a big decision and not one to just take lightly. Encourage your teen to not just rush into their decision-making and instead take their time to weigh up all the options available to them. Have them do their research properly and speak to advisors at their current place of education as well as looking online and speaking with the apprenticeship company or university itself.

These are just a few things that you can do in order to help your teen make up their mind with what to do for their next steps in life. Growing up and having to decide your future is a difficult one, but as long as they know you are there for them, it will make it a lot easier for them to come to a decision. Remind them that there is no rush and that whatever decision they make, it will help them grow as a person. Have you got a teen going through this? What do you say to help them? Let us know!

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