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Reasons Why Social Responsibility is Important in Business

Importance of Social Responsibility in Business

Social responsibility of business is a company’s voluntary contribution to the development of society. Keep on reading if you want to figure out more information about types of social responsibilities and the importance of social responsibility in business.

Types of Social Responsibilities in Business

A person in business, dealing with social issues, can have different motives — moral ambitions, the desire to gain fame or to inspire consumers’ confidence. Keep in mind that this grant activity needs to be effective to benefit people around and society as a whole. Social responsibility is divided into legal, ethical, and discretionary. Ethical responsibility includes keeping personal territory clean, cleaning up parks, planting trees, providing employment for the disabled, taking care of the elderly, and orphans. Studying at the university, we hardly ever pay attention to this aspect as our heads are into student issues like how to find spare time for having fun or where to get credible paper help. Over time, when some of us set up our own business, try to compensate it by donating. Discretionary responsibility involves charity, patronage, sponsorship, cooperation with authorities and business class representatives, participation in environmental protection, responsibility for the quality of manufactured goods and services, etc. Legal responsibility ensures safety at work, the stability of salary payment, staff medical insurance, staff development, and funds for staff support in difficult situations. Besides, a businessman should be responsible to moneylenders, shareholders, investors, and business partners.

The Importance of Social Responsibility in Business

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “Why is social responsibility important for business development?” Today it’s essential for a company to be seen in public. Active participation in various events attracts new investments to the business and can even make an enterprise a leader. Any business organization can’t operate outside its environment — a country, a city, or people with whom this business interacts. A businessman, participating in the social sphere, ensures his reputation and his business partners’ respect, form a positive opinion among consumers, and expands the horizons for successful business development. Why should a company donate money or take care of lonely older people? Because the society takes it for granted that a profitable corporation shares its money, for example, to make poor people a little happier, animals in shelters well-fed, parks and lakes clearer, etc. Not only big companies can be socially helpful, and a lot of people start their volunteer way while being at college. The excuse that you have a pile of college papers you must do immediately doesn’t work. You manage to use the hashtag “do my homework Reddit” to look into other students’ feedback to find writers who will help you with your homework.

To sum up, all mentioned above, we can say that the only obvious reason for the importance of social responsibility is that it’s just the right thing to do. People are expecting it from you when you hold a significant position in the society.

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