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Making The Extraordinary Happen With Tokio Marine’s Wealth Planning Solutions

Tokio Marine

More than two years into the pandemic, the far-reaching impact continues to permeate into our daily lives. Despite the relentless changes and incoming challenges, Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore(TMLS) endeavours to embrace and exemplify our positive values through heartfelt actions and innovative solutions, delivering care and support to our customers and communities at large.

Gilbert Pak

Gilbert Pak, Chief Marketing Officer of Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore

“As one of the leading insurers in Singapore, being customer-centric is not only a necessity; it is the fundamental basis of everything we do,” Gilbert Pak, Chief Marketing Officer of Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore shares. “It is imperative that we align our narrative and keep innovating to meet our customers’ changing needs. With this, we delved into the core of our concerns – how do we position TMLS as the top-of-mind choice for Singaporeans when it comes to wealth planning? We decided it was first important to understand their ambitions and aspirations, which was found to be the wish to Plan Well and Live Well.”The lingering socio-economic effects of the COVID crisis upon the lives of Singaporeans further emphasised the absolute importance of this overarching and yet ever-evolving goal.

With the essential elements of Wealth Accumulation, Protection and Financial Flexibility in mind, we spared no effort in fortifying our suite of best-in-class Investment-Linked Plans (ILPs) with even more comprehensive options; including the latest #goElite as well as #goTreasures, #goUltra, #goInvest and #goClassic (and their Secure versions with the additional unique feature of high watermark locked-in policy value).

To garner interest in our rollout of new ILPs within the second half of 2021, we wanted to reach out to a wider demographic of audiences, ranging from Gen Z to young millennials, as well as the sandwich generation with young children. The key message we sought to convey was that“You Can with Tokio Marine’s ILPs!”

An ILP is a comprehensive financial solution designed to offer wealth building and protection elements, as well as the advantage of financial flexibility. Wealth building is a primary goal that many Singaporeans have, and many a time this important ambition takes a backseat to other financial priorities such as marriage, providing for a family, children’s education or even business planning. We wanted to show that our customers’ current concerns and future needs can be taken care of in tandem, without compromising either. In addition, we wanted to convey the idea of self as a unique entity equipped with the ability to achieve; thus summing up the encompassing idea of “I Can”.

This propelled us to look at influencer marketing as an effective channel to deliver our messages to the desired audience. We worked with local celebrity host Diana Ser, mum-preneur and fitness enthusiast Dawn Sim, actor-singer Gavin Teo and up-and-rising young star Calvert Tay, to create a series of ILP product awareness video and static posts on social media platforms. The campaign recorded a robust reach and wonderful engagement results across our social media platforms.

To accelerate the strong momentum garnered from the interest in our ILP suite, we launched the Make Extraordinary Happen (MEH) campaign from 1 March to 31 May 2022. To position and solidify our thought leadership in ILPs, the three-month long campaign was activated through online and offline activities.

Grab Car Decal

A select fleet of Grab Cars with eye-catching MEH campaign decals hit the roads to drive home the key messaging, complemented by the two-prong outreach of using Digital Display Panels at condominiums islandwide to amplify our message as the provider of innovative ILP solutions. With more working-class audiences returning to office, it was an opportune time to drive top-of-mind awareness with repeated impressions on the roads while increasing our brand visibility via lifestyle media platforms.

Drawing from our customer-centric commitment towards best-in-class innovation, TMLS will continue to anticipate the planning needs of Singaporeans by providing well-rounded and holistic wealth accumulation solutions. We strive to Make Extraordinary Happen by helping more people achieve their bigger and bolder aspirations and ambitions.

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