How to Survive a Long-Haul Flight to Spain

Sometimes the only possible way to get from point A to point B is a flight lasting more than 6-12 hours. All this time you will have to spend in an economy class chair (yes, this is a reality for many of us) in a small enclosed space among hundreds of strangers. In general, a long-range flight is not a pleasant occupation.
After a long flight, we feel tired, despite the fact that we sit all the way. Any person is affected by emotional overstrain, a loud hum, long sitting in one position, as well as motion sickness. Lucky you are to stumble upon this article! Read below our tips that will certainly help you make a flight easier.
Rent a car in advance
Of course, if you plan to hire one and haven’t already done this. To find an option that suits you in all respects, make a reservation beforehand. If you’re a citizen of the USA, when you’re on a plane you must not use your phone since the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) outlawed it. So if you’re still at home or at an airport, take care of it.
We also want to recommend you car rental in Mallorca airport, if that is your destination. The service features a simple procedure and reasonable prices. The earlier you book, the wider the choice. Mention, you will have to carry both your valid U.S. driver’s license and an International Driving Permit (IDP). You can bring just your country’s license if you have citizenship of EEA or EU countries.
Choose a seat on a plane thoroughly

Source: Pixabay
The comfort of the flight largely depends on how comfortable your seat is and in what part of the aircraft it is located. Although selecting a place is a personal matter for everyone, if you do not want to be disturbed and do not need to go to the restroom often, it’s better to sit by the window. If you like to get up, warm up and stretch, sit by the aisle. Avoid the seat in the middle at all costs.
You also can get an opportunity to fly business class, which is initially more comfortable than economy. Become a victim of overbooking. It sounds strange, but it works: if you are the same person who did not have enough space, you will be offered to fly on a later flight. Agree, in return for your courtesy, you will most likely be transferred to business or first class.
Kill time with sleep
Sleep is the best way to kill time on a long trip. Especially if the main part of the trip falls at night. Of course, it is rarely possible to oversleep the entire flight, but it is quite possible to shorten it due to sleep and at the same time rest.
It will not be superfluous to have a sleep mask and earplug that will protect you from external stimuli. At night, the lights in the cabin are not turned off completely, for some passengers this may not be enough. Ask the steward for a blanket and a pillow, if you didn’t take them with you, make yourself as comfortable as possible.
Be sure to wear comfortable clothes

Source: Unsplash
During long flights, the legs swell a lot. Compression stockings can help the body cope with stress at altitude. This underwear improves blood circulation. As a result, the legs after stockings swell less, and the muscles do not reduce. Everyone is advised to wear compression stockings if the flight lasts more than three hours.
Besides, clothing should be comfortable and loose. Of course, her choice depends largely on where, where and why you are flying, but in the plane itself the temperature always jumps unpredictably. Our tip is to dress in layers. An extra layer of clothing can always be quickly and easily removed, and put on if necessary.
Moisturize Your Skin
The air humidity on board the aircraft does not exceed 10-20%, while 40-70% is considered comfortable for a person. If the flight lasts more than four hours, the skin becomes dry and may peel off. Use sheet masks, emulsions with hyaluronic acid and eye patches. Also, if you normally wear lenses, give preference to glasses to avoid dry eyes.
Avoid junk food
Before and during the flight try to eat optimally to feel well. Firstly, try to eat less spicy, fatty, or spicy foods. This is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Such food will cause thirst, and excessive fluid intake will quickly lead to swelling.
Secondly, eat little and little, mostly fresh fruits or vegetables, dry biscuits, and fitness bars. They will not cause a feeling of overeating and heaviness in the stomach, thus there will be no gastrointestinal upset.
Learn spanish words and expressions

Source: Pixabay
When all the series have already been watched and books have been read, but you still don’t feel like sleeping, you can learn a few new Spanish words. Simple and useful like Hello “Hola”, Excuse me “Perdon”, Thank you “Gracias”, and etc. Prepare ahead and buy a dictionary or download it. In that way, you will definitely spend time with benefits. Maybe, you’ll be so passionate that your language skills will allow you, for instance, to look through Mallorca cars for rent without a translator.
In conclusion: is it difficult?
Yes, a long-haul trip flying is a boring and exhausting thing. Nevertheless, you can make it more convenient by following all above-mentioned pieces of advice. We really hope these tips will help you. Cars for rental are always available, so you can get to the booked apartment as soon as possible and recharge your batteries.