How to Recover Faster from COVID-19? A Brief Guide

Two years have passed already since the new strain of coronavirus devastated the whole world. The COVID-19 has already infected millions of people since its first emergence in China in late 2019. Today, the numbers keep on rising as various organizations work for the vaccines as soon as possible.
Statistics say that there are already 181.9 million people infected and 3.9 million deaths worldwide. But on the brighter side, many people have already recovered―about 166.4 million. It means that the recovery rate for infected people is pretty high.
Hence, here is a brief guide with simple tips on recovering faster from COVID-19 if you get infected.
Drink Water and Eat More Often
Many sick people tend to lose their energy and appetite levels for food and liquid consumption. This can possibly lead to dehydration and lack of nutrients which cause various illnesses such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and more. So try to drink water and eat more often to avoid those.
Drinking plenty of water and eating nutritious food is highly important to help your body fight off the illnesses brought by the coronavirus. You can get all of the vitamins, minerals, and liquids you need by just having a well-balanced diet. Food supplements are not necessary for this condition.
If you are tired of water, there are some alternatives you or your family can prepare. For example, you can go with black/green tea, low-sugar sports drinks, orange juice, and vegetable juice. Meanwhile, you have to avoid and skip liquors and other hard drinks, soda, milk, and coffee.
Get Plenty of Sleep
A good rest is probably what you really need the most when you are sick, especially if you are positive with COVID-19. This is because your body needs to undergo some healing processes, mentally and physically. To do that, you will need adequate sleep.
Of course, recharging your body will take a lot of time to complete, not just within two or four hours. But sleeping for over 12 hours is not healthy, either. For the right amount of sleep, there are recommended hours for every span of ages. Improving your sleeping habits will also let you have a better sleeping quality.
Take OTC Medications
Over-the-counter, OTC for short, are medications that can be bought without a professional’s prescription. You can take these safely to ease your sickness. In addition, these can be used against some symptoms of the COVID-19.
If you are experiencing fever or body aches, you can take ibuprofen or acetaminophen. For a sore throat or cough, you can have cough drops or cough medicines like Robitussin. But ensure to check the labels and directions of intake, especially for the children.
However, you need to know that OTC medications cannot cure you of the virus. But they will make you feel a lot better. You can talk to your doctor for more accurate information in treating those positive in this virus and ask for prescriptions for antivirals. To lessen your expenses, you can download app for discounts on buying the prescribed drugs.
Refrain Yourself from Exercising
Do not get this wrong. Exercise is an important activity in maintaining your body active and healthy. However, you do not need to force yourself to do some intense workouts when you are not feeling well.
Of course, you still have to move your muscles and joints by doing something to keep them in condition, but it is not recommended to continue exercising, especially if they are vigorous.
When you have a fever or muscle/joint pains, all you have to do is rest. You will need the energy to fight against the virus in the body. Losing some by exercising will only make the illness worse.
Observe Your Symptoms
COVID-19 is such a good liar. You may feel good now, but you will start to notice some mild symptoms of the virus as days pass by. But even if these are only mild symptoms, there is still a chance those symptoms might get serious, even to possibly fatal ones. So with that, you need to monitor and observe your symptoms.
If you have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, constant chest pains/pressure, and bluish lips or face, you need to seek professional help already. These are the signs that you have to undergo critical care.
Temperature and blood oxygen levels can also help you monitor your body. If your body temperature rises to above 101 degrees Fahrenheit and oxygen blood level drops below 94%, you must contact your doctor already.
Have a Lukewarm Bath
A nice lukewarm bath can make you feel better. But make sure that the water is just warm, not hot. This can improve blood circulation and regulate body temperature when you have a fever.
Final Thoughts
This guide can help you fight the virus inside your body. The tips mentioned above can make you feel a lot better. However, professional care will always be the priority once everything gets worse. Call your doctor immediately if the symptoms get severe.