How to Customise Your Address Labels (and Why You Should)

If sending things out by mail forms a core part of your business, you need to take your product labels seriously. Far from a superfluous extra, the label adorning a package sends a strong message about the sender.
In your case, this means you – the brand or business responsible for sending the package.
Over the years, the overwhelming majority of Internet users have come to rely on ecommerce. The web may be the go-to for almost everything we need, but traditional mail is still the backbone of the online retail sector.
Every hour of every day, millions of parcels are being posted out by small and large businesses across the country. For some, sending packages is simply about getting their contents from A to B. But for those who understand just how important product packaging can be, every package sent represents an invaluable marketing exercise in its own right.
What Do Your Labels Say About You?
Take a moment to consider how the packages and letters you send are interpreted by their recipients. The moment something arrives in the mail, what does it tell the person picking it up?
First impressions are everything, particularly when receiving products and purchases by mail. It has been proven time and time again that something as simple as high-impact product labelling can completely alter the way the contents of a package are perceived.
Ship your items in generic boxes with equally generic labels and you can’t expect a particularly positive response. By contrast, adorn your packages with labels to be proud of and it is an entirely different story.
Creating your own custom labels as a brand recognition exercise can be surprisingly straightforward. It can also be one of the best ways of differentiating everything you send from everything sent by your competitors.
All from something as simple as a unique address label, ensuring your products and packages stand out from the crowd.
Simple Tips for Higher-Impact Address Labels
Of course, knowing where to start when presented with such a blank canvas can be difficult. You have relied on fairly simple address labels up until now, so how do you revamp them for a more positive impact?
For the most part, keeping things simple is the way to go. Attempting to overcomplicate things simply for the sake of it almost always proves counterproductive.
This is particularly true when it comes to smaller packages and labels, where there is limited space to work with. But in all instances, irrespective of size, the following tips could help you produce more standout labels for your products and packages:
It is essential to ensure that your labels accurately reflect and represent your brand. If you have a brand logo or symbol of any kind, ensure it is incorporated and printed into your labels. If you use specific colours, fonts or typefaces, consider whether they could be incorporated into your labels.
In short, make every effort to ensure that your labels are immediately identifiable as yours, and nobody else’s.
Keep it Short and Simple
Avoid the temptation to get carried away with the content of your address labels. Attempting to cram too much information into a small space can lead to unattractive information. Think about what exactly needs to be included in your labels, and consider leaving everything else out.
If the information cannot be read and understood clearly at a glance, you may need to rethink the content of your labels.
Mix and Match Colours
Do not be afraid to inject personality into your labels by mixing and matching colours. Ideally, they should be the colours that tie with your brand, helping build recognition and differentiate you from your competitors.
Colourful labels are always more eye-catching than their counterparts. However, it is important to be mindful of the legibility of their content. Ensure the colours you choose do not detract from the clarity or quality of the label’s presentation.
Keep Things Consistent
Whatever design you choose for your address labels, it needs to be kept consistent at all times. This is essential for building recognition and familiarity with your target audience, over time. Deviating from your design will have the opposite of the intended effect, unless the variations are practically undetectable.
This is why it is important to work on your design until you come up with something you are completely satisfied with.
Consult with the Experts
Consulting with the experts before finalising your design comes highly recommended. A professional level printing team with extensive experience could provide the insights and advice you need to come up with a truly standout label.
Best of all, this priceless input will be offered free of charge, as part of the label printing service provided. It is the kind of independent expert advice that really can make a difference, so it simply makes sense to take advantage of it.
About the Author:
Craig Upton supports UK businesses by increasing sales growth using various marketing solutions online. Creating strategic partnerships and keen focus to detail, Craig equips websites with the right tools to rank in organic search. Craig is also the CEO of iCONQUER, a UK based SEO company and has been working in the digital marketing arena for many years. A trusted SEO consultant and trainer, Craig has worked with British brands such as, UK Property Finance, Serimax and also supported UK doctors, solicitors and property developers, gain more exposure online. Craig has gained a wealth of knowledge using Google and is committed to creating new opportunities and partnerships.