How The Federal Election In Australia Could Change Travel To The Land Down Under For Good

Whether it be Liberal or Labor in charge, the Australian government system has control over many things including the new conditions for international arrivals. Australia has always been a haven for international travelers and expats alike. The country is a melting pot with people from all walks of life dwelling on the island-continent. Everyone is welcome to Australia but depending on who is in charge, the ability to enter the country can be clouded in red tape and other political issues.
Adjusting to a new norm for Australian travel
Both parties are keenly aware of the current climate of the world and want to adjust to it accordingly. The problem is, what may seem like a correct decision at the time may turn out to be inaccurate or even detrimental in hindsight but it can also be the other way around. The Australian government has made some interesting and controversial decisions in recent years involving travel and international trade which has somewhat skewed the federal election betting odds and there is no apparent end in sight as the country strives to adapt to a new norm when it comes to international travel and arrivals. The current situation in the world has changed in a way that no one could have imagined and Australia’s politicians, like many around the world, are running to catch up.
Tourism has been a market that has contributed significantly to the Australian economy over the last 100 years and both parties are keen to invest in restarting international tourism for the country. The difference in today’s world is how this restart will be approached by each party and what that could possibly mean for those looking to travel to Australia in the future.
Australia has had a solid stance on international arrivals for many years which has remained largely unchanged but with the new norm for travel looming in the distance, significant changes, be they for better or for worse, could be on the horizon.
Which party will be best for Australian travel in the future?
If you are invested in the 2022 Australian federal election due to the potential ramifications of international travel, the key is to do your research. There is no clear winner as to which party will be the best one for Australia going forward. We can be sure that no matter what party takes the helm after the federal elections, the decisions regarding how to travel to and from Australia will be well measured and will take the safety of the Australian people into account first and foremost.
Australia has always been a place that is welcoming to international visitors from all around the world and the economy has depended on this, so restricting travel could be detrimental to the country in the long run. With so many people from different countries who have made it their home, Australia is likely to open up its borders more and more in the lead up to the election to garner favor with potential voters but on the other hand, safety must be upheld to the highest standards to make sure the country and its people remain as safe as possible.
As with any federal election around the world, both major parties have their good and their bad sides, so it will be interesting to see which one prevails in 2022 for Australia and what it will mean for international arrivals in the future.