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Creating a Conscious Home: Discovering Ethically Sourced Design and Decor Materials


‍What exactly does it mean to create a conscious lifestyle? A conscious lifestyle is being aware of your thoughts and actions and how they impact the world around you. Not just in how you treat people but in the resources you use, your reactions to different situations, and generally putting more thought into everything you do.

By removing impulsiveness, you can make better decisions about your lifestyle and reduce your negative impact on the world around you. Once you do this, you can have greater control in all areas of your life and begin to create a life that works for you.

Once such an area you can be more conscious and careful about is how you decorate your home. Avoiding buying mass-produced consumables and being thoughtful about what materials you choose, the quality of the products you buy, and how they are sourced can help you make a more conscious shift to an ethical lifestyle that can help you support your conscious and sustainable lifestyle. Choosing ethical products can help you to learn more about how items are produced and what goes into getting them from design to your home with as little impact on the world as possible.

This post delves further into purchasing ethically sourced home decor products and how to best tackle this critical area of your life.

Benefits of choosing ethically sourced design and decor

When it comes to home decor, you want something that is unique and speaks to you on a level that you want to incorporate into your lifestyle. However, combining this desire with sustainability and ethical practices means that not only are you getting a truly special piece, but you can also do so with as little impact on the environment as possible.

However, ethical products go far beyond simply being made from sustainable materials, although this is a massive factor too. It is about the condition behind manufacturing. Ethical companies will work to reduce workforce exploitation in the chosen location by promoting fair working conditions and hours, enforcing workers’ rights and treating them with respect and ensuring they are paid a fair wage for their work.

Another benefit of sustainable and ethical decor is that you can be confident it is created using sustainable methods. By using renewable energy and resources, the effect on the environment is minimised, and the earth’s ecosystems are further protected than overusing more conventional methods the world has come to rely on.

At the end of the process, you can be confident you are reducing your impact on the world around you and filling your home with well-thought pieces that positively compliment your home and style.

Popular ethically sourced materials for home design

Contrary to popular belief, there is a plethora of sustainable materials on the market that you can choose to furnish your home with. If you are forgoing plastic or other non-sustainable materials, why not consider some of the following options?

1. Reclaimed wood: Reclaimed wood is salvaged from old structures, such as barns or warehouses, and repurposed for new construction or furniture. Reclaimed wood uses fewer chemicals and creates less waste than new or manufactured wood, thus reducing and curbing deforestation.

2. Bamboo: Bamboo is a rapidly renewable resource that grows much faster than hardwood trees, making it a more sustainable option for flooring, furniture, and other home design elements. It is also durable, easy to maintain, and has a unique aesthetic appeal.

3. Cork: Cork is a sustainable material sourced from the bark of cork oak trees, which can be harvested without harming the tree. This material is versatile, durable, and has excellent insulating properties, making it ideal for flooring, wall coverings, and even home insulation.

4. Organic cotton: Organic cotton is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, ensuring a healthier and more sustainable production process. This material is perfect for bedding, upholstery, and other home textiles.

5. Natural fibres: Natural fibres such as sisal, jute, and hemp are renewable materials that can be used to create beautiful and eco-friendly rugs, window treatments, and other home accents. These fibres are biodegradable, durable, and have a low environmental impact.

6. Hide: While on the face of it, using animal hide might not seem sustainable or ethical. Most popular cowhide rugs are sourced ethically and can offer a more sustainable flooring option for your home. However, cowhide especially is a byproduct of meat and dairy farms, and humans consume high amounts of meat and dairy; hides can help make this process more sustainable as less waste is produced. When choosing hide decor, make sure you findzout the company’s ethical practices first.

Eco-friendly and sustainable options in home decor

Making more conscious choices in your home decor means ensuring you are only bringing things into your home that are beneficial to you and the world around you. With nearly 9 in 10 people trying to live more sustainably, there are more options to do this than ever before.

Why not consider the following options;

  1. Plants: Indoor plants can enhance the aesthetics of your home, help purify the air and create a healthier living environment. Choose plants that are easy to maintain and suitable for your living space, such as snake plants, spider plants, or pothos.
  2. Energy-efficient lighting: Energy-efficient lighting options like LED or CFL bulbs help to reduce energy consumption and your carbon footprint. These lighting options are eco-friendly and cost-effective in the long run.
  3. Recycled and upcycled decor: Incorporate recycled and upcycled decor items, such as repurposed furniture or vintage accessories, to reduce waste and add character to your space. You can also create your own upcycled decor by repurposing old items or using reclaimed materials you already have around the home.
  4. Eco-friendly paint: Choose low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paint for your walls to minimise the emission of harmful chemicals and improve indoor air quality. Eco-friendly paint options are available in various colours and finishes, catering to different design preferences.

Tips for finding ethically sourced products

So how exactly should you find ethical products and companies striving to meet the standards you set for yourself and those you purchase from?

Firstly you need to do your research on the market you are buying in. Learn more about the different methods used in production in the specific industries and then about the individual brands themselves. Ensure they follow the most ethically sustainable production methods and materials and adhere to ethical trading standards set out by Fair Trade, FSC or GOTS.

If you are interested in making a purchase, you should be asking questions about anything you are unsure of. Many brands will happily share details on their website of sustainable practices and associations they have formed to support their green credentials. If not, ask them to share this information with you.

Another conscious buying decision you can make is to support local vendors and businesses to help boost the coal economy and your money back into your local area. This will not only help you support the economy but also reduce your impact on the world around you by reducing travel miles associated with purchases.

Lastly, investing in sustainable products often comes at a higher cost than their mass-produced commercial counterparts, and as such, you should expect to pay more for your items. You will be paying for the time, energy and craftsmanship that has gone into sourcing, creating more sustainable pieces, and following ethical practices. This comes at a cost you should be willing to absorb to help you meet your moral vision.

Conscious home design: room by room

Creating a conscious home involves considering the ethical aspects of your design and decor choices for each room. Here are some ideas to help you curate a consciously designed living space:

  1. Living room: Furniture made from reclaimed wood, bamboo, or other sustainably sourced materials can be ideal for the living room. Choose rugs and window treatments made from natural fibres, such as sisal, jute, or hemp. Incorporate plants and energy-efficient lighting to create a healthy and eco-friendly ambience.
  2. Kitchen: In the most used room of the home, you need energy-efficient appliances and eco-friendly countertops, such as recycled glass, concrete, or bamboo. For example, incorporate reclaimed wood for flooring or bamboo cabinetry, and opt for low-VOC paint for your walls.
  3. Bedroom: Invest in organic cotton bedding and upholstery, and choose furniture made from reclaimed wood or sustainably sourced materials. Add mirrors to increase natural lighting to avoid adding additional lighting sources, and choose rattan or hemp decor items for a chilled vibe that promotes relaxation.
  4. Bathroom: Choose low-flow fixtures to conserve water and energy-efficient lighting to reduce your carbon footprint. Opt for eco-friendly materials for your countertops and cabinetry, such as recycled glass or reclaimed wood. Incorporate natural elements like plants or pebbles to create a spa-like atmosphere.

Conclusion: creating a conscious home for a better future

Now you know more about what creating a conscious home looks like; you can start implementing this into your lifestyle by making more sustainable choices and ethical decisions. Every little thing you do inside and outside the house causes a reaction in the world around you, and you can improve your home’s aesthetics and your lifestyle as a whole.

Remember to think carefully about the items you want to include in your home, choose ethical suppliers and research the best practices and methods on the market to make the right decisions.

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