Opening of New Branch Office
Today Erste Bank is opening a service branch office directly on the campus of the University of Economics in the new Sigmund Freud University building. From 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, employees are available for personal consultations and to answer all money-related questions. Self-service devices can be accessed around the clock. The service branch is located on the corner of Welthandelsplatz and Freudplatz and is thus part of the campus, which is the location of everyday life for some 25,000 teachers and students. “When it comes to money in between learning and courses, we are in the immediate vicinity as the bank for students”, says Peter Bosek, member of the management board. Apart
from free WLAN access, there is another special gadget available at the service branch office on campus: empty batteries can be quickly recharged in small lockable boxes in cell phone charging stations.
Service Branch Offices
The new format of the service branch office is designed for the rapid handling of banking business. Employees are personally available from Monday to Friday between 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Self service devices for withdrawals, deposits, money transfers, Western Union and much more are accessible around the clock. Quick consultations about “simple” products like applying for an account or a savings card, as well as the rapid provision of services are the major focus of this new branch office format. For more complex inquiries an expert can be immediately consulted via video-link in a room especially designed for this purpose. Visitors can also try out the new digital banking app “George” and other banking apps on-site and test them together with a bank advisor. Anyone who would like to provide immediate feedback can do so anonymously at a “feedback pillar” on-site. The new branch office format has been designed with significant input from customers. Furnishings, choice of advisors, design and features are fully oriented toward people’s needs. Much of this has been intensively tested with customers over the past two years at the test branch office of Erste Bank, FutureLab in Lerchenfelder Strasse, in order to offer precisely those things in the reorientation of the branch office network which customers nowadays expect from a bank branch office.