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6 Great Ways to Improve Your Team Leadership Skills


It’s hard to believe the greatest leader of all time (at least at one point in history) has been all but forgotten in the modern era. Except only in name. Alexander the Great is still remembered for quotes like “Remember upon the conduct of each depends on the fate of all,”

But historians and businesspersons still remember him as an effective leader and a man who was wisely very accommodating to his followers. Maybe that’s the secret to leadership, even today. Not taking for granted the power given, but using the executive position to inspire others to action.

In this discussion, we’re going to talk about six ways you can improve your team leader training and start thinking like a real leader, rather than just a big talker.

1. Be a Great Listener First

Many leaders have been on the losing side of history because they followed their instincts, rather than taking a consensus of the overall population. Listening is the best way to understand the needs of your team, as well as the expectations of management.

If you don’t take the time to get everyone’s input you don’t really understand the objective of leadership. It’s not about you, it’s about them.

2. Use Critical Thinking Skills in Positive Ways

Critical thinking gets a bad rap sometimes. But critical thinking is not negative by nature. You can use critical thinking abilities to accomplish positive goals. Critical thinking doesn’t mean poking holes in everyone else’s story.

It means foreseeing potential problems early on. It means finding more foolproof ways to prevent major problems from happening in the first place.

It can also mean investigating new opportunities based on the information you acquired from critical thinking processes. In other words, finding solutions, as well as problems. You can benefit the company and its employees, by using your analytical skills for positive results.

3. Show Them How to Follow, Then How to Lead

A good leader isn’t just born. They listen, they learn, and they follow the advice of others. Once a leader gains experience, they’re in a much better position to lead, having been both employee and now employer.

Besides that, a good leader can still listen to the advice of their employees and follow their ideas, if they’re deemed practical and cost-efficient. If you know an employee has unique experience or skills then it’s only logical to gain their insight before moving ahead.

Not only does this kind of brainstorming help the company, but it also lets employees feel valued.

Take a look at this interview with Andy Jury, CEO of Mukuru, to gain insight into a CEO’s responsibilities.

4. Take a Course on Team Leadership

While you may have good leadership instincts, don’t underestimate the value of learning the fundamentals of textbook team leader training. Acuity Training released an extensive online course for new team leaders that’s a must-read.

5. Show Your Team How to be Self-Disciplined

Discipline is the most misunderstood part of being a leader. A leader’s vision is never accomplished without discipline. And yes, there will come a time when you have to discipline or even let go of employees.

But are you known for being self-disciplined? Do you set an example for employees and show them how to be thorough in their work, how to be persistent, and how to follow protocol?

6. Delegate Wisely and Trust Your Employees

Micromanaging is actually the sign of a questionable leader, not a good one. The best leaders know they can’t do everything at once. They have to delegate responsibility at some point and so they choose workers who they know will be qualified to take on project management.

Delegating to qualified personnel not only helps them grow but saves you from having to walk someone through a task. In some cases, micromanaging only stresses the employee and wastes time by repeating information they already know.

According to some surveys, 79% of employees quit because they feel unappreciated by management.

Being a team leader is about inspiring others to reach out and work for common goals. You could be a great leader for your company if you combine your instincts with team leading skills!

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