AI in the Automotive Industry: The Present and the Future

Each year, the technology of the automotive industry continues to thrive in astonishing ways. With the technology of AI, it becomes possible to make vehicles safer, use their capacity more effectively, and offer a more positive experience for drivers.
When you feel safe in a car, being stuck in a traffic jam, or driving in a self-driving car, you are able to do whatever you want. For example, an individual can make calls to the family or colleagues, read news or choose which sport they want to watch this evening. To be the first to know the results of a particular match, check the betway apk and feel free to get the latest results of your favorite match or team.
Present Features of AI in Vehicles
It seems like it was not long ago that companies started the production of cars. Today there are self-driving cars and according to the latest news of the industry, there is a potential for flying cars’ launch.
- ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)
These systems ensure that the vehicle is safe. ADAS aims to speed up drivers’ reaction to potential risks, using the technology of human-machine interface.
- Car infotainment
AI allows the driver to control the car with the voice by speaking commands. With voice recognition drivers can keep their eyes on the road, while they’re requesting to play music, or turning on an air conditioner.
The automobile sector is relying on predictive diagnostics, powered by AI, to reduce downtime and increase vehicles’ efficiency. Systems show signs for potential problems or necessity of maintenance.
Remarkable Advancements
The future of AI in the automobile sector will result in further developments of almost every part of the driving process and driver comfort.
To see the future of AI, let’s look through two stand-out examples of the present evolution of AI technology.
1. Tesla’s Autopilot
Tesla created an advanced autopilot which allows vehicles to do much of the work instead of the driver and optimize safety. With innovative vision processing and more cameras, this autopilot has become common for every new Tesla. Moreover, Tesla now offers additional self-driving capabilities: the car can park itself, change lanes while driving, identify stop signs and traffic lights, etc.
2. Waymo’s technology
Waymo, powered by AI, is a service offering self-driving taxis. Now it’s available in San Francisco and Phoenix.
AI in production
Revolution in car manufacturing becomes possible with the development of robotics. This technology is being used to optimize safety and production processes.
When it comes to logistics, supply chain, and quality control, AI and robotics are essential. AI is helping automotive companies to work smarter, not harder by predictive analysis, route optimization, speech-based solutions, etc.
It goes without saying that AI changes the world of vehicles every year, it becomes more innovative and user-friendly. Artificial Intelligence reshapes the way drivers interact with cars and the capacity of vehicles. Along with the development of AI, new business models and means of transport are expected to emerge.